<p>Hey guys! So, I'm a rising junior for the 2011/2012 school year, and recently I've been interested in SUNY New Paltz. Chance me? Thanks!</p>
<p>Freshmen year:
Geometry Enriched (advanced)
Spanish III
Advanced Standing English
World Studies
Advanced Biology</p>
<p>Sophomore year:
Advanced Algebra II/Trig
Spanish IV
Advanced Standing English II
AP Modern European History
Advanced Standing Chemistry</p>
<p>So far, I've taken all the advanced/AP classes that have been available to me, and my cummulative GPA is 3.91. I haven't taken the SAT or the ACT yet, but I did take the PSAT early in my sophomore year. I didn't study (because I didn't know we were taking it), and I scored 183. Using my PSAT score to estimate my SAT score, I'm expecting to get (at least) a 1930 without studying. (However, I'm enrolled in prep classes and I plan on studying like crazy).</p>
<p>Extracurriculars/other achievements:</p>
<p>I'm not athletic, so I don't do sports, but:
--My main EC is community service/volunteer work. I do most of the projects from different organizations, and I'm on track to getting 250+ hours before graduation.
--I'm actively involved in three clubs at my school: Octagon club (community service), Math club, and Spanish conversation club.
--I'm a published poet.
--I was chosen from 60+ students to speak at my 8th grade graduation.
--I've done a lot of theatre work, but my recent schedule has not allowed it within the past year or so ):</p>
<p>(I know my ECs are pretty weak)</p>
<p>Gender: Female
Race: White
Location: California</p>
<p>So, what do you guys think? Should I get more involved? I'm looking to start volunteering in a local children's hospital in August, and maybe at the local library, as well. But so far, do you guys think I'm on the right track? ALSO, will being out of state make it harder to get in? What else can I do to make my application stand out? Thank you so much! (:</p>