Chances for TAMU Engineering + Questions

TX Resident
GPA: 3.52 (UW) 4.04 (W)
Rank: School does not rank but TAMU ranked me in Top Quartile (Rigorous HS)
SAT/ACT: 1460 (730 M/730 R)/ 29 (29 M)
Good Essays
Applied: 11/1/2019 [Did not meet Engineering EA deadline]

National Honor Society
National Spanish Honor Society
President of Robotics Team (won lots of awards over the years)
Treasurer for Asian Cultural Organization
Member of Powerlifting Team

Organized multiple blood drives and health camps in my community
Volunteered as a curator at a popular science museum
Volunteered at various camps for underprivileged children

Admitted to TAMU but still in Engineering Review


  1. Does being an academic admit give you an advantage in terms of the engineering review process/ do academic admits get engineering review decisions earlier?
  2. What are the alternative offers that TAMU College Station gives you to TAMU Corpus Christi or TAMU Galveston and how do you get these offers?

With that sat and top quarter you should no doubt get into main campus. Yes it helps to be academic admit so that they review quicker. Wasn’t your best shot at applying after deadline but I don’t think that will impact the decisions

The alternate routes will be offered to you. You can’t apply. Galveston is considered full admission but take freshman year at their campus. Blinn eng academy is at blinn and tamu campus concurrently. It’s a great program too. All engineering majors regardless of where they go have to apply to their eng. major. A 3.5 currently guarantees you your top choice.

Honestly there is so much information on this on the Tamu engineering site. Know your options before they are offered. Best of luck!!!

@AggieMomhelp Thank you!!! I don’t remember if I mentioned this but it says that I was admitted to the university but I’m under engineering review. It was actually really weird because I received the acceptance only 4 hours after completing my application which is fast even among academic auto admits. Do you happen to know approximately how long it takes for the engineering review have a decision for academic admits? Again, thank you for the info, I will definitely look into TAMU Galveston and Blinn Engineering Academy on their engineering site.