Chances for the University of Miami?

Hi I am currently a junior in high school and would like to get an idea of my chances for admission to the university of Miami. I will provide some details below that I hope can help in this evaluation.

GPA and Coursework (all scores are unweighted):
Freshman Year - GPA=95/100 with 1 Honors Class no AP (none offered then)
Sophomore Year - GPA=97/100 with 1 AP Class (the only one offered)
Junior Year (as of the beginning of the fourth term) -
-Honors Pre Calculus: 97 through first two terms and midterm exam. 103 Term 3. 104 thus far in term 4.
-Spanish III (no AP offered): 100 through first two terms and midterm exam. 100 Term 3. 100 thus far in term 4.
-AP Chemistry: 100 through first two terms and midterm exam. 103 Term 3. Don’t know for Term 4 yet.
-AP US History: 101 through first two terms and midterm exams. 104 Term 3. 104 thus far in term 4.
-English 11: 100 across the boards.
*AP English was offered, but I did not take. AP Calc was offered, but now allowed to take with taking Honors Pre Calc first.
Senior Year - Obviously do not know grades yet, but I am enrolling in AP Calc, AP Physics, Honors Spanish, AP English, Advanced Integrated Technology, and Contemporary Issues. (Considering dropping Integrated Tech and Contemporary Issues (they are a pair) in favor of AP Computer Science, thoughts?)

Test Scores:
SAT: 1420/1600, taking again and plan on scoring over a 1500
ACT: not taking
Math II Subject Test and US History Subject Test: have yet to take, but I assume good things
AP Bio - 3 (will likely not submit to college)
AP Chem and AP History: History is almost a guaranteed 5, but Chem is going to be a rough day

-National Honors Society
-Spanish Honors Society
-Convocation 11th grade: English definitely, very likely for APUSH, potential for Pre Calc, not for Chem though (strong 4th place, need to be in top 3)
-Definitely in contention for senior year Cum Laude Society

Extracurriculars/Volunteering/Work Experience:

  • Varsity Cross Country grades 9, 10, and will be 12 (missed 11th grade because of an injury)
  • Volunteering with Athletes Serving Athletes organization
  • National Honors Society Tutor (have never missed a meeting)
  • National Honors Society President
  • Library Volunteer, currently with just over 50 hours
  • In the process of starting a tutoring program at Library, but probably will not see any action until the summer
  • 2 years working at Crab Shack, promoted twice

Other important things to note (I think):

  • I meditate daily.
  • I have been going to the gym since late in eighth grade. I was once fat, but I’m now, I think, much fitter. I get up at 4:30 am to go to the gym before school. The gym is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me and will be writing college essays on it.
  • I read a lot. All material is educational, but is specifically focused on self improvement, business, and finance.

Also, I’m from a small (500 students) private school in Maryland. My parents combined income is above 100k but below 200k (it varies because my dad is sort of an independent contractor). Also my intended major is finance.

Thank you for any and all feedback. I really do appreciate it.

You are a competitive applicant. Your stats are good and your ECs are pretty decent. Write amazing essays and you could get accepted to UMiami


Hey, i went to a school similar to yours and got into the Miami business school with a 35 act and 4.0 weighted gpa (like 3.3 unweighted) but my gpa has a huge upward trend. Keep it up and you should get in