Chances for these Nursing programs?

<p>Wondering my chances applying as a Nursing major to Indiana University-Bloomington and Purdue University. I'm also a male, I don't know if that helps haha! </p>

<p>I'm a rising senior with a 3.83 GPA and a 29 composite ACT (33E, 33R, 28S, 22M). I'll be taking 2 AP classes this year (Biology, Spanish) and I'm in the top 20% of my class.</p>

<p>I have 2 Varsity letter in tennis and was a co-captain senior year, I played 2 years of football and one year of basketball, and I go to kickboxing classes twice a week. I also participate in 5k and 8k runs my town puts on, and lift weights every day.</p>

<p>I have over 90 volunteer hours at my local hospital, officer in NHS chapter, active member of church youth group, and I also co-organized a school clean up day and spaghetti dinner for senior citizens.</p>

<p>Anyone at all?</p>

<p>I think you will be fine with either of those schools.</p>

<p>Though, it depends on the programs. Do they have pre-requisite courses? If so, you should get into the college, but you may have to compete with those courses’ grades to be admitted to the program itself. You will most likely be enrolled as a pre-nursing major until accepted into the program, if that’s the case.</p>

<p>Accepted to IU for Pre-Nursing.</p>

<p>Purdue, however, is a direct admit program and the advisor told me today that there are only 92 spots for almost 1100 applicants. So we’ll see about that :/</p>

<p>Some of those numbers can be deceiving. If they have 92 spots, they probably admit 300 or more students.</p>

<p>You also have to consider, there may be 1100 applicants, but how many will actually enroll. I would say to just do everything you can to strengthen your spot. Continue to keep in contact with the advisor and people directly involved with the program. If they know you want it more than someone else it is their discretion to admit one person over another.</p>