<p>I am a junior in a top public high school in Madison, WI. The schools that I am interested in are UW-Madison, University of Texas-Austin, UVA, UNC, and Duke. GPA is 4.0 (unweighted, school does not do weighted GPA or rank); however, I am in the hardest course in the school right now and will probably get a B. My schedule strength is the most rigorous my school offers. This year I am taking the AP Computer Science test; next year I will take AP Calc AB, statistics, Spanish, and US Government. </p>
<p>I have wrestled all three years, next year I will be the captain. I am dedicated to the sport and have invested a lot of money and time into improving myself--I went from 10-20 in my sophomore season to 21-15 my junior season. I am in NHS (well I applied and I strongly doubt anyone will be rejected that was invited), Spanish honors society, and MENS (Men Encouraging Non-violent Strength) club. I started throwing for track and field this year, and I am looking into writing an article for the school newspaper. This summer I will be going to a rural area of Paraguay for 6 weeks through a program called Amigos de las Americas. I will be living with a host family and working with the community in order to complete a community based initiative, along with running a camp for kids and teaching about sanitation. Other travel experiences include a week in France with my parents, a week and a half in Switzerland with my father, and two weeks in southern France with just another friend.</p>
<p>I just received my SAT scores; 690 Math, 690 Reading, 670 writing (11 on the essay), 2050 overall. Math was much lower than I thought I would receive; however, writing was much higher. I will be taking the ACT on April 10 and am hoping for a 31 or 32</p>
<p>Great! Before this weekend I was thinking about the ivy league schools, but then I visited the University of Chicago and I knew that just wasn’t for me–I want top tier academics, but I also want a social life and sports teams that I can support, even after I am done with college. I will probably be looking at the ivy league schools for grad school, but that is a long ways away</p>
<p>Great job! You should have no trouble getting into those public schools. Duke may be a low-mid reach, but other than that I would say that you are set! Although this may have been due to poor wording on your part, you made the University of Chicago out to be an ivy, which it is not.</p>
<p>Sorry, I just meant that the atmosphere at University of Chicago is probably similar to the atmosphere at an Ivy; however, I have not visited any Ivies so I should not be making any judgements</p>
<p>Will the fact that I’m out of state hurt or help my chances?</p>
<p>Also I forgot to add that I have 30 volunteering hours at a Jewish preschool and another 30 helping out with a donation campaign for Jewish Social Services. I’m not very religious, but my grandpa survived the holocaust and I like to give back to the Jewish community here</p>
<p>I’m from NC, and they’re pretty tough on out-of-state applicants. Up that SAT, or just do well on the ACT, I guess. UNC may be a high match/low reach, and Duke will be a reach. Not so sure on the others.</p>