Chances for Transferring to Top 20 + Ivies?

I currently study @ top 50 US Uni as a freshman, have compelling transfer reasons, aim to sophomore transfer (after 1 year). I will transfer as a history major, and have picked a selection of schools that match my interests and environment. I have a 3.95 college GPA, w/ a 4.0 major GPA. half+ of my freshman classes (history included) are junior level (3000/4000) classes, w/ advanced classes in economics, history, and philosophy. I have 2 very good rec letters from profs waiting. My HS GPA is 3.5 unw 4.4w, with a GPA in history of 3.9. ACT 34, 8+ APs with mainly 4s, compelling ECs. Chances @ 1. High ivies 2. Low ivies 3. Other top 20?

Why do you want to transfer?

lack of academic expertise, poor environment, lack of student involvement/activity, student body not a fit

may also be of note that I have had a few articles of mine published in academic journals for undergrad research

What about financial aid? Some state schools offer minimal financial aid for transfer applicants. If financial aid is of any concern, your school list will be restricted.

I’ll say this now: The Ivy League + Other hyperselective institutions (Uchicago, etc.) are a crapshoot, no matter how competitive the transfer applicant.

Why the Ivy League / Top 20? What do these institutions specifically offer that your current institution does not?