<p>I have an overall GPA of about 3.2.
I'm 95% sure I have all the pre-reqs done.
I am gonna go IGETC certified ( transferring from CCC )
I have a lot of community/club involvement.</p>
<p>Good, that means there will be another person crossing their fingers for me. ;)</p>
<p>On a related note, are there any other things that need to be done for the 3 UCs that I mentioned besides the Fall update? I ask because I know that Berkeley requires additional information.</p>
<p>I don't know what community colleges you guys go to but the Davis rep told me with my gpa of 3.4 at DeAnza, I am basically in for UCSD and Davis (90% sure), only depending on how heavy this term's flux is; He said Fall 07, people averaged 2.8 for Davis, around 3.0 for UCSD. I'm a Sociology Major by the way, so that may also make it easier on my entry. Good luck.
Applied to:
Davis, San Diego, LA and Berkeley (these two just for the hell of it)</p>