Chances for UCLA and Berkeley?

Stats: 3.89 UC weighted / capped (only 2 AP’s taken-- school policy)
SAT: 1440
I realize my stats are pretty mediocre for Berkeley and LA

Violin - 4 yrs (2 yrs school orchestra / violin choir)
Home for the disabled - 4 yrs (4 yrs volunteer of the year / 2 yrs student volunteer coordinator)
Tutoring - 2 yrs (stats/physci/geometry)
Assistant Coach for EMS sports - 3 yrs
Hospital Volunteer - 3 yrs
Reading buddy - 4 yrs
Score keeper for sports - 4 yrs
Student Store Manager/Cashier - 4 yrs
4 yrs secretary - 3 yrs class / 1 yr school
Basketball Manager - 3 yrs Varsity / 1 yr JV

Thanks a bunch for your time!

Consider UCLA/UCB both Reach schools. Although your SAT is within range, under a 4.0 UC GPA will be a tough admit. With record # of applications, an acceptance rate below 20% and the competitiveness of the overall campuses, these schools should always be considered Reach schools. Having only 2 AP’s will not be held against you but doing well in these AP classes is what counts.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%

Best of luck.