Chances for UCLA or UCB?

Hi, I am currently going into senior year at Monta Vista High school, one of the most rigorous in America. I currently have a weighted gpa of 4.4 and unweighted gpa of 3.9. As for extracurriculars, I co founded a nonprofit, am a vp at a robotics club, over 350 hours volunteered, and I am close to getting a black belt in taekwondo. I took the Sat and got 1500. I want to major in computer science. Do I have good chances for UCLA and UCB?

Calculate your UC GPA and post your capped weighted and fully weighted UC GPA. You have solid stats and good EC’s. Make sure you write some outstanding essays. Are you applying to CS at UCB as a EECS major (Engineering school) or CS in College of Letters and Sciences?

Most likely CS in college of letters and sciences, and my uc unweighted is 3.98 and weighted is 4.38

Both are Reach schools just based on # of applicants and the competitiveness of the major. UCLA will be a direct admit into the College of Engineering which has less than a 10% acceptance rate for CS. UCB’s CS in L&S is not a direct admit so you need to maintain a specific GPA in the pre-req courses before declaring.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above (capped/weighted)

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

Make sure you have some solid Match and Safety schools on your list.

Best of luck.

Ok thanks, but in your personal opinion do you think a UC gpa of 3.98 and weighted gpa of 4.38 is enough to get into top uc’s (UCB or UCLA)?

Your GPA is definitely within range, so you are competitive but with less than 20% overall acceptance rates for the schools and less than 10% acceptance rates for the major, it will be a tough admit, that is why these schools are Reaches. Apply and hope for the best.