Chances for UPenn

<p>Sex: Female
Race: White
US Citizenship: Yes
State: New York
Parent's Marital Status: Divorced (almost 12 years)</p>

<p>High School: Competitive, Public
Other: summer@brown course - Laboratory Research in Biomedicine
Researcher at Rutgers University
GPA: 94.21
Rank: N/A
SAT: 760CR 760M 660W
SAT II Chemistry: 740
SAT II US: 710</p>

<p>AP Exams (Max APs at High School is 6 per student):
AP English Lang. 4
AP Chemistry 4</p>

<p>Senior Year:
Physics H
AP Calc AB
AP English Lit
AP Economics (Micro and Macro)
Science Research</p>

Stage Crew: 9,10, 11, 12 * Leadership position starting in 11
NHS: 10, 11, 12
Newspaper: 11, 12 *2 leadership positions starting in 11
Veterans History Project: 10, 11, 12
Hospital Volunteer: 11, 12
Peer Tutoring: 9, 10 ,11, 12</p>

SAT Tutor
Babysitting (everyday thing)</p>

<p>Recommendations: Excellent! My SciRe teacher (3 years), my AP Chem teacher<em>possibly</em> (2 years), and my English teacher (1 year+Newspaper advisor) plus my school counselor loves me!</p>

<p>I’d say you have a fair chance. Upenn is more competitive this year than ever so its going to be tough for anyone. My class’ salutitorian applied ED and got deferred which was surprising to much of the school however your SATs are higher than hers which puts you in a more competitive position as long as you write good essays. Best of luck!</p>

<p>You like all others apps have good credentials, but if you right STELLAR essays and get a STELLAR recommendation, you have a good shot.</p>

<p>Though academically you’re not the strongest candidate, and your ECs aren’t particularly stellar, if you apply ED, your chances look ok but not great. RD looks pretty tough.</p>

<p>Your test scores are pretty good, but your EC’s are not incredibly strong. I have a friend who applied to Penn last year (33 ACT, started a television series about our town’s heritage, great EC’s though not many leadership roles) and was denied. I don’t know how great his essays were, but I know he is one of the most interesting students ever to graduate from my high school. If your essays were solid, I’d say you have an ok chance. The competition’s harder than ever this year.</p>

<p>Chance me? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m applying to UPenn too, and our GPA/SATs are pretty much identical. Honestly, it’s reachy for me. But if your essays are as good as you said that’ll push you over the edge.</p>

<p>Penn has always been tough for Somers kids w/o some some sort of hook, but Ivies are very unpredictable anyways.</p>

<p>Now the waiting game begins.</p>