<p>Applied to pittsburgh, Rose-Hulman and MSOE and been accepted to all 4
I am a white male from Iowa
GPA: unweighted 3.7
weighted 3.79
Rank: top 25%
SAT: 2070 (Math 740 Reading 750 Writing 580)
SAT II: Math II (770), Physics (700).
ACT: 32
APs: Physics B (3), APUSH (4), AP Calc AB (5)
Planned AP tests: AP Government, AP Calc BC.</p>
- 4 years of marching band
- 4 years of Jazz Band
- Helped start a group of robotics clubs at the elementary, middle and high school levels
- Co-President of my school's hyperstream club
- First Lego League Mentor
- Two years of Basketball
- One year of Debate Club
- 4 years of Show Choir Pit Band
- Was also a CNN Panelist for the presidential race during the Iow caucus</p>
- Marine's good citizen award
- AP Scholar Award.
- Honor roll for every semester of HS.
- Eagle Scout
- National Honor Society
- National Merit Semifinalist (pending on future announcement)</p>
- Some Great letters</p>