Chances for UVA, Tech, Georgetown, William and Mary

<p>Hi. I was just wondering what my chances were at getting into UVA, Tech, Georgetown, William and Mary. Currently, I am a Junior in High School</p>

<p>I have an unweighted GPA of 3.81, and a weighted GPA of 3.94. I am currently taking 5 APs as a junior (AP Calculus BC, AP Language and Composition, AP Psychology, AP Chemistry, AP United States History)</p>

<p>So far, I have taken the AP World History Exam and have got a 4 on it</p>

<p>I will have taken around 10 APs by my senior year, not including Multi-Variable Calculus, the highest math course available at my school</p>

<p>I haven't taken the SATs yet but on the PSATS, I scraped by a 1790 on a 2400 scale without studying (which I hope to improve)</p>

<p>Math = 700
Writing = 540
Critical Reading = 550
Total = 1790</p>

<p>No Class Rank at my school but I would imagine in the top 10%</p>

- South County Environmental Club (Secretary) (3 years)
- National Spanish Honor Society (3 years)
- Science Honor Society (2 years)
- Mu Alpha Thetha (3 years)
- Varsity Math Team (Top scorer on multiple occasions)
- Tri-M Music Honor Society (3 years)
- Chamber Orchestra (Violin for 7 years)
- Piano in spare time (Don't expect credit)
- Trilingual (Born in Korea, Fluent- English, Spanish for 4 years)
- Key Club (3 years)
- It's Academic Club- Member
- Around 100 hours of Community Service Hours
- National Honor Society (2 years)</p>

<p>Student Government at South County- (9-10)
Treasurer for the Class of 2010 (Two years only)</p>

-South County Winter Track (9-10)
-South County Outdoor Track (9-10)</p>

<p>So, what are my chances?
BTW: I live in VA and I'm Asian.</p>


<p>Hmm, well you really are supposed to post this in your senior year. And you really are supposed to post this in the “What Are My Chances?” thread. But anyway, who knows what might happen junior year? Your GPA looks about right for UVA but so much depends on your AP and SAT scores. You really need to get to work on your SAT, I hope you’re signed up for march, because you may need to take them more than once. You’re looking about on course for tech now, and the math focus is really going to look good. Are you going to study music in college? Your years playing the violin could be a plus. </p>

<p>So overall I would say that you need to beef up your SAT if you want a shot at UVA and W&M. It also depends on your AP Exam scores. It’s good that you’re an officer in some of these clubs, you should try for higher and higher leadership positions. Just based on this, I’d say:
Tech: Match/In
UVA: Match/Low Reach (if you get your CR SAT score up to at least 650)
W&M: Reach
Georgetown: High reach</p>

<p>But i encourage you to post again in the summertime after you’ve taken SATs and AP Exams</p>

<p>Skip the SATs and take the ACT. It’s easier for math/science kids to score well.</p>