Chances for UW Madison

ACT: 30</p>

<p>MD Resident</p>

<p>6 AP's
Ap world
Ap psych
Ap Human geo
Ap Bio
Ap Comp gov
Ap NSL( government)</p>

<p>All of my classes have been honors or AP except 5 and 3 of those where graduation requirements for my school and did not offers honors level (Phys ed,art, and technology)</p>

<p>3 years of Spanish</p>


<p>Cross country
280+ volunteer student service hours ( community service)
Model UN
Counselor at summer camp for 2 years
Member of 3 clubs and co-founder of 1
Active member in schools webcast program( Daily news )</p>

<p>I submitted my application before this recent November 1st deadline.I know my GPA is low compared to UW averages but im hoping my course rigor will help.Thanks so much and I appreciate any responses.</p>

<p>Your course rigor will not be helpful since you are expected to get equally good grades in the most rigorous courses as in the regular versions. There are plenty of students who will have A’s in their AP classes and have higher overall gpa’s. Extracurricular activities will not make up for lesser grades- you should have been paying more attention to schoolwork (although I know CC is a great stress reliever- as the 120 or so girls and boys each year from son’s CC teams days can testify). With your ACT it would be expected you could get more A’s. UW also looks at the rigor of your courses compared to those available. It could be perceived that you are underperforming for your ability level. This raises questions about your study habits and ability to handle the rigors of UW courses. </p>

<p>Is your gpa consistent or did your grades jump junior year? If your gpa reflects a terrible freshman into sophomore year with stellar junior year grades that would indicate very positive trend. It is too late to change your past. You can and should concentrate on doing your best this year. You will improve your study skills, helping you wherever you attend college. You will also learn more, having a better knowledge base for college courses. A good record at any college your freshman year can mean the ability to transfer to UW or some other school. Some students mature into good habits later than others, you could be one of those who can start at one college and still finish at the school you want to attend but don’t initially get admitted to.</p>

<p>Hi Jimmers7, as you probably know, we do review the academic record first. We look at what your school offers, the classes you took, and overall how you did in your classes. When your admission counselor reviews the rest of your file (recommendations, written statements, activities, etc…) they will have a full picture of who you are as a student. Hang in there while your file is being reviewed and keep tabs on the status in your Student Center.</p>

<p>Here’s a pertinent question for the UW admissions poster. Exactly which courses are counted for the gpa? C’s in phy ed could drag down a gpa, as could required “arts” courses required in some states.</p>

<p>Hi wis75, that’s a great question! We suggest that students who have questions about courses take a look at our Academic Course Preparation section on our website, here: [Freshman</a> Applicants: Requirements and Expectations - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>I think it is great that UWisconsin Madison admissions posts on here!</p>

<p>To follow up on the last question, when you go to the link about courses you posted it speaks of an ‘academic’ gpa of 3.5-3.9 typically. I presume that means no PE or wood shop (excuse me, ‘construction’), courses count. Or does shop count as ‘fine arts?’ It is an art for UC purposes out here… I am also hoping with the OP that unusual rigor (and quite high test scores) will help raise a lower gpa somewhat, but I want to at least be able to calculate what UWis Madison will consider my son’s gpa to be to begin with (since he is very interested in your school.) In California we have a ‘UC’ gpa which doesn’t count freshman year or senior year at all (too bad since he has straight As with 5 APs, at the moment) and only counts specified courses, and has specific ‘weights’ and ‘caps on weights’ and I am pretty sure that is not going to be the same gpa UWis Madison will look at. Do you look at freshman year? First semester senior year? (He’s waiting to apply in part because he hopes you will at least look at his first semester this year, whether or not you count it in the gpa.)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>PS I hope/assume that if you went beyond the courses you list for math statistics would count? My son took Algebra and Geometry in middle school, so his high school courses were Honors Algebra II/Trig, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus CD … and now has AP statistics…</p>

<p>Hi collegevetting, we’re glad to hear your son is interested in UW-Madison! When we look at GPA, we want to make sure students are challenged in the courses available to them at their school and that they do well in those courses. We do ask for midyear grades, so your son shouldn’t feel like he has to wait to apply. </p>

<p>In reference to your question about California’s ‘UC’ GPA, the counselor reviewing applications from California will know the grading scale and what courses are offered at each school.</p>

<p>@UWMadsionAdmiss- Can you see how many ACT attempts applicants have taken?</p>

<p>The website does NOT state which types of courses are counted in the gpa, only that so many academic ones are taken. Is the unweighted gpa for UW admissions purposes calculated with phy ed courses? music? art? Being able to count them as courses for admission is not the same as using the grades. Also- some HS’s use +/- with letter grades, others do not. Sounds like a good reason to not just use numbers- there has to be an art to deciding between student A and B.</p>

<p>Hi amaksimovich, we will only be able to view the ACT scores that you submit.</p>

<p>@UWMadisonAdmiss—but can you see the number of attempts is the question.</p>

<p>Hi amaksimovich, to answer your question, no. We will only be able to see the attempts from which you submit scores. For example, if you only submit scores from one test date, we have no way of knowing if that was your second, third, etc. attempt. Does that make sense?</p>

<p>Wondering if someone could give me an estimate. UW Madison is my #1 choice.
UW GPA: 3.78
ACT: 28
I am involved in 11 extracurriculars which include different leadership clubs as well as being the captain of 2 varsity teams. I have taken 1 college course, 3 honors classes, and 3 ap classes (A’s in all of them). I have received almost all A’s with about five B’s and one C in my courses since freshman year. I have also submitted 2 strong letters of recommendation as well at 2 strong essays. I am a wisconsin resident and applied October 31, can anyone estimate my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>I too am wondering about my chances. I’ve grown up a badger fan and it’s one of my top schools. OOS from Oregon.
GPA 4.25 W / 3.86 UW
31 ACT
10 IB classes between Jr/Sr year</p>

<p>3000-4000 hours rowing over four years (made varsity this year)
Varsity ski team freshman year
several school clubs and community service involvement</p>

<p>I applied on the 28th of october and can’t wait to hear back! Would love to live in Madison next year!</p>

<p>Patience is required. Any opinions given here won’t change anything. You can look up the 25-50 %iles as easily as we can and come to the same conclusions. In the top quartile- very likely, middle half- maybe/maybe not, lowest quartile- possible but not as likely. Not helpful of course. Concentrate on your final year of HS- do your best academically and enjoy it.</p>

<p>Can someone chance me? I’m from Illinois, and sort of concerned that I haven’t hear back yet, especially since my gpa is pretty low.</p>

<p>3.32 gpa
33 act
4 years of track and cross country
On executive board of Ski and Snowboard Club
3 APs and 4 years of Chinese (if that means anything)
Already accepted into UIUC</p>

<p>Actually good news- they didn’t immediately reject you. Your ACT is high relative to your gpa (or the converse). Hopefully your junior year grades were improving your gpa.</p>

<p>btw- excellent club level running opportunities at UW via the track club- CC in the fall includes OOS meets.</p>

<p>The 4 HS years of one foreign language (presuming you took formal classes in HS) will mean not having to take any to meet breadth requirements. The language doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>In State
Class Rank: 1/169 (might be 2 or 3)
GPA(weighted/unweighted): 4.19/4.0
ACT Composite: 30 (I took another this December)
ACT M, E, R, S: 34, 30, 30, 27
ACT Writing: 9
AP classes: AP English Language and Composition (3), AP Chemistry (4), AP Psychology (5), AP Physics B (5), and currently AP Calculus AB, AP European History, AP Literature and Composition, AP Microeconomics, and AP Biology.
SAT II(please tell me if I should send): Math I (720), Math II (680), and Physics (760)</p>

<p>Extracurricular: Tennis (4 years), AFS club, chess club, Student Council (I’m class president), NHS, Psychology club</p>
