Chances for V-Tech Engineering?

I’m in instate student from Northern Virginia. What are my chances of Tech Engineering and getting into the Honors College?

GPA: 3.5 unweighted (3.5 freshmen year, 3.1 sophomore year, 3.3 junior year, 3.7 senior year)
ACT: 34

Taken 10 AP’s Including AB and BC Calc, Chemistry, Biology, US History
Taken Engineering Design electives and am in the Engineering Design Senior year Research Lab where I am working on designing a affordable green energy house (civil engineering related)

Letter of recommendation is from my Engineering Design teacher


  • Officer in Debate (many awards, and a NSDA All-American)
  • President of a tutoring club
  • Vice President of a STEM Club for CS
  • Environmental Science Club (Civil Engineering related projects)
  • Innovations in Engineering Club
  • did CAD work for an architecture firm over the summer
  • lots of volunteering and work experience
  • Recreational soccer and basketball

you seem like a strong applicant

You seem like a strong fit for VT and likely will get in, but maybe also take a look at UVA, since you’re in-state.