Chances for V-Tech Engineering?

Hi I live in in Northern VA and I’m applying to engineering.

Gpa: 3.87 weighted (3.5 unweighted)
ACT: 35
Taken 10 AP’s included BC Calc, Chemistry, and biology
Taken two engineering classes and am in the senior research lab for engineering in my high school. Have done a lot of engineering projects in class as well.

Three years varsity debate (officer)
Two years Model UN
Four years environmental science club
9 years rec soccer
Two years tutoring club (president)

I wrote my essays on my impact of volunteering over the summer, why I want to become a Hokie, and why I want to become an engineering/what I want to do as one.

Do I still have a chance even though I have only a 3.5 unweighted. I haven’t taken AP Physics either; however, I have taken an Engineering Design elective and am enrolled in the Engineering Design Senior Research Lab at my school.

Yes, you have a great chance because of your high ACT score. Remember, V-Tech only looks at math and English score, so if those are high, I can almost guarantee that you’ll get in. I’m hoping I’ll get in as I have a slightly higher GPA with a 33 ACT