Chances for VT Engineering

<p>I'm applying for the VT engineering 2010, hoping to do a major in electrical engineering at the regular deadline. What are my chances because I really really want to go there. I am In State.</p>

<p>GPA (weighted): 3.99
GPA (unweighted): ~3.5-3.6
Rank: ~96/398 (just top 25%)</p>

<p>SAT Math: 700
SAT Verbal: 550
SAT Writing: 610</p>

<p>SAT Subject Math 1: 710
SAT Subject Math 2: 680
SAT Subject Physics: 600</p>

<p>AP Stats: 4 AP U.S. History: 3
Currently Taking AP Calculus AB, AP Physics, and AP Government</p>

<p>-Strong passion for engineering
-Participated on the robotics team all 4 years, BETA club, Key Club, not a lot of "recorded" community service hours"
-Track junior year
-All honors/AP classes senior year and rigorous schedule all other years</p>

<p>IMHO I think you’ll get in to VT Engineering.
My son was just accepted ED to VT (Engineering) and has similar stats but your EC’s are better.<br>
Good Luck!!</p>

<p>thanks!! and congrats to your child!! that makes me feel a little better…i hope i get in! anyone else get in to engineering for ed? what were your stats?</p>