chances for yale ea?

<p>asian female
very competitive public (2000+ students, 600 students in my yr.)
full ib diploma candidate
took the "most rigorous" course load</p>

<p>gpa: 4.6+ (w), 3.9+ (uw) [only 2 b's i've gotten are in physics.. blah]
ranking: top decile (school does not rank)
sat I: 760 (cr), 740 (w), 800 (m)
sat II: 800 (math 2), 790 (korean), 730 (us history), 730 (chem), 720 (physics), 710 (bio)
ap's: us history (5), english lang (5), comp sci a (5), euro (4)
extra: national merit semifinalist, ap scholar with distinction, nhs, csf</p>


<p>school newspaper (10-12): sports editor. brought in a lot of new ideas this year (i.e. stats box, layout transformation, etc.)</p>

<p>future business leaders of america (9-12): vice president. won 1st, 3rd, and 7th at nationals, 1st place at state four times. through the projects, created a restaurant guide for the city and raised $1000+ in a benefit concert i chaired.</p>

<p>korean club (10-12): president, secretary. part of the founding board. in charge of the first ever korean dance performance for school.</p>

<p>orchestra (9-12): first chair clarinetist all four years. performed at the sydney opera house with group, won group silver award at international music festival in australia. planning to tour in east europe next summer.</p>

<p>science olympiad (10-11): bronze medals for health science, forestry, and disease detectives at regionals.</p>

<p>internship (12): marketing intern at emerson process mgmt, branch of emerson electric (fortune 500), for 150 hours.</p>

<p>teacher recs:
1 from journalism adviser who also taught me english honors
1 from calculus teacher who is also the adviser for korean club</p>

1 on serious depression that i overcame in middle school after best friend's death, 1 on (hopefully) humorous, unique take on traffic (suffered from about 60+ hours of it during summer of internship, work place was five cities away from home)</p>

my first cousin went to yale, graduated in 2005</p>

<p>any brutally honest comments would be appreciated, thanks.</p>

<p>Good! Your essays and recs will play a big role - make sure they are very, very good!</p>

<p>thanks.. anyone else? can be very VERY brutally honest. i know i may sound like a typical asian, but really, how else could i have stood out?</p>

<p>i should add that about seven people got accepted into yale last year from my school, and we got about 20 ivy league acceptance letters in total (from harvard, yale, princeton).</p>

<p>I'd run the essay on depression past your high school guidance counselor. It sounds like you go to a good high school, so I'd trust his/her opinion. Colleges are very uptight about mental health issues these days b/c of genuine concern for students welfare and a desire to avoid bad publicity like the suicide at MIT and murder/suicide at Harvard a few years back.</p>

<p>I also question writing an essay about something that happened in middle school. I think a better topic tells about who you are now.</p>

<p>You're certainly within the range of admitted students, but no one can guess your chances beyond that.</p>

<p>thanks for the suggestion about running the essay with my counselor.. i will do that pronto (:</p>

<p>but nevertheless, i'd like to stick with that topic.. that event changed my life completely because it forced me to question mortality, life's meaning, my purpose etc. even though it was at a young age. my best friend got hit by a car right in front of my eyes, so it was very traumatic, but i managed to turn my life around with it and work even harder, and my second essay sort of ties back into my positive view on life.</p>

<p>does that make sense?? or do i sound crazy haha.</p>

<p>AdmissionsAddict is correct that it might be a topic to avoid in your essay if possible, especially since it was an event that happened several years ago.</p>

<p>Play up your business club and fundraising stuff; that's what struck me as most impressive.</p>

<p>Hurrah I'm not the only one applying for Yale's EA! And I must say that if you've got BOTH AP and IB, your chances are probably <em>gulps</em> better than mine since I'm just in IB (though I hope that having four higher levels really does count for something other than the ultimate limits of sleep deprivation).</p>

<p>I like the idea about the traffic topic, I must say that living in Dubai overseas can make me feel your pain about it. Having one serious and one humorous topic is quite a good twist and can show multiple sides of yourself. Congrats on that one!!!</p>

<p>Might I also ask about my chances of getting into Yale on their EA?</p>

<p>Here goes nothing! :P</p>


* Caucasian Female
* I have lived in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (overseas all my life) but am originaly from Croatia
* GPA: 4.11 + (w/cuz my school has a strange scale), 3.86+ (u/w)
* Ranking: Top of class (revealed to me even though school doesn't officialy rank)
* Class Size: About 500 in High School, 130 in my grade
* Full IB Diploma Candidate (w/4 HLs)
* Took most rigorous courses available
* Croatian is my 1st language though international circumstances have resulted in English schooling
* SAT I: 600 (Critical Reading), 690 (Math), 580 (Writing, w/10 on Essay)
* TOEFL, computer based: 265 (w/6 on Essay)
* SAT II's: Took them last Sat... Chem, Math 1 and English Lit</p>

* 1 from History 10 and IB History teacher who was my Academic Games coach, Student Council advisor, and my Extended Essay Advisor
* 1 from History 9 and Theory of Knowledge Teacher who saw me change from 1st year to the end...
* 1 from Art teacher who is the Advisor of the Art Club (and I'll be sending in an Arts Supplement)</p>

* One about my circumstances of living overseas, how weird it is about being considered a foreiner when I go back to Croatia, and dealing w/ all my roles in life
* One about how I learnt to be independent when I caught a lizard in my bro's room w/my bare hands</p>

* JV Academic Bowl (9-10): Captain both years, 2nd Place Individual Maths Competition, 4th Place Overall Team
* Varsity Academic Bowl (10-12): Captain all three years, 4th Place Overall Team
* Student Government (9, 11): Class representative, Comissioner of Interschool Information, Founder of Student Council Newsletter
* Literary Magazine (11): Poet
* Knowledge Master Open (9-12): Captain
* School Drama Productions (9,11): Dancer
* Set Painting (9,11): Head Concept Designer
* Student Run Service Club (12): Secretary, Website Designer
* Art Club (11,12): Secretary, Website Designer, Photographer
* ISTA (International School of Theater Association): Actress, Choreographer
* The Call (Pop Culture Club) (11)
* French Cin</p>

<p>^Your SAT's just not going to cut it I'm sorry. Since you're an international, the quantitative stuff means even more to the top schools and you're like 300 points short of an SAT score that would even make Yale a viable possibility for you. I hope I'm not being mean but I want to be brutally honest. Rasie your SAT score to AT LEAST a 2100 or be prepared for the worst.</p>

<p>Kada si izasla iz Zagreba? Ja sam iz Mostara ali zivim u Americi vec deset godina i meni se svidja Yale.</p>

<p>Hey! Ja sam se rodila tu u Dubaju (zapravo u Shardi, ali to je odmah pored Dubaja). Moji roditelji su iz Zagreba, ja idem tamo preko lijeto ali nikad nizem tamo zivjela.</p>

<p>Super! Drago mi je da ja nisam jedina koja voli Yale... mislis li da ja imam neku sansu za uci? Glupi SAT me zeza ali inaci mislis da bi mogla probat?</p>

<p>Um...ja bih rekla da ti imas sansu. Ja znam da iz moje skole su nekoliko ljudi usli u Yale sa SAT ocjenama kao sto si ti dobila. Ja neznam te ljude koji su usli sa tim ocjenama pa neznam uslove skojim su usli, ali ima mogucnost da ce tebe uzet. Ti nisi drzavljan Americki, pa neznam puno o kako bih oni tebe evaljuirali. Znam da je admissions rate za internacionalne studente malo manji nego onaj za Americke studente. Ja ti isto nemogu reci koliko fakulteti gledju na ovu pismenu sekciu (zato sto ti je to naj slabija sekcia). Mozda bi tebi bilo najbolje da se prijavis ali da SAT ponovis pa da im mozes te ocjene poslati ako neudes EA. Imas vise nagrada od mene i puno vise radis izvan skole.</p>

<p>Ja mislim da bih trebala da se prijavis ako ti se ide u Yale. Niko nezna tacno kako ti ljudi nekoga evaljuiraju i ako imas sansu, zasto nebih probala?</p>

<p>Moje ocjene nisu najbolje zato sto sam imala probleme sa familiom prosle godine i ja nisam najbolja u svemu sto radim, ali cu se prijaviti EA i vidjecu sta ce bit. Nadam se da ce neko tamo vidjet vise nego brojeve u mojoj aplikacii. Ali se isto bojim zato sto isto ako moj gpa nije toliko los (3.88 uw) trebala sam dobiti 4.0 uw. Pa svakome se cini da nece uci i svak se boji ali stvar je u tome da ti nikakav universitet tebe nemoze akceptirati ako se ne prijavis.</p>

<p>"Pa svakome se cini da nece uci i svak se boji ali stvar je u tome da ti nikakav universitet tebe nemoze akceptirati ako se ne prijavis."</p>

<p>Moram prisnati da tu imas pravo... ako se prijavis imas barem neku sansu ali ako ne... onda nikakvu! Zez je da je iduci SAT za koji se mogu upisati gdje ja zivim tek u petom mijesecu 2007 a to je oko dva tijedna prije graduation. Malo glopavo kako tu funkcionira u mojoj skoli. Cula sam da u Americi se SAT daje oko 6 puta svake godine! Za IB su mi rekli da ako uspijem dobit predicted grades bez bonusa od 38 (maximum je 42) onda mi necu radit tolko problema oko SAT, mislim da cu dobit oko 39.</p>

<p>Isla sam vidjet Yale ovo lijeto i mogu prisnat da je bio preljepi. Kao Hogwarts... a valjda tolko i tesko uci... lol.</p>

<p>Nebrini se za svoj GPA... ipak je 0.02 bolji od mog. :P I Yale ima prosjek oko 3.8 u/w pa si dobro iznad toga. Ako neki udu sa 4.0 u/w a prosjek je 3.8, to znaci da sve iznad 3.6 moze dati neku sansu.</p>

<p>Nitko iz moje skole nije isao na Ivy League univerzitet pa se nadam da cu biti prva ali nemam nikakaj legacy... I izmedu jedne druge i mene neznam tko je valedictorian i tko je salutarian... samo steta sto moja skola ne pise ranking. :(</p>

<p>Bilo bi super da obadvije udemo... nadam se da to nece biti jos teze od lutrije! :P</p>