Chances for Yale SCEA

<p>Please evaluate my chances for Yale SCEA. Is it worth going SCEA for me...will that help in admissions? </p>

SAT: 750CR, 800M, 800W (75/12 Essay)
SAT IIs: 800 Math IIC, 780 Chemistry, and 740 US History
AP Exams: 5s in 10 classes - US, Chem, Stat, English Language, Euro, World, Comp Sci A, Calc AB, Physics C Mechanics, and Physics C EM</p>

<p>Rank: 1/461</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.65 weighted cumulative</p>


<p>9th Grade
Honors Geometry - A
Honors English I - A
Health/Physical Education - A
Honors Earth and Space Science - A
Computer Programming: Design and Logic - A
Spanish II - A
Honors Government - A</p>

<p>10th Grade
Pre-Calculus - A
AP United States History - A
Honors English II - A
AP Chemistry Lec./Lab. - A
AP Statistics - A
Honors Spanish III - A</p>

<p>11th Grade
AP European History - A
AP Language and Composition - A
AP Calculus AB - A
AP Computer Science (A) - A
AP World History - A
AP Physics C (Indep. Study) - - A
Honors Spanish IV - A</p>

<p>12th Grade (projected)
AP Literature and Composition
AP Economics
AP Art History
AP Biology
AP Government
Calc II and III at community doesn't offer beyond Calc AB</p>


<p>Student Member of the Board of Education for entire school district (represent 22,000 students)</p>

<p>Class President (4 years)
School Student Government Executive Board Member (4 years)
County Student Government Exec Board Member (3 years) - past President
State Student Government Executive Board Member (3 years)</p>

<p>National Honor Society Treasurer
Student Government
Math Team
National Honor Society
Computer Bowl Team (Tricounty Programming Competition...2, maybe 3 years)
Mock Trial attorney (4 years)
Key Club (community service organization) - past treasurer
It's Academic (quizbowl type competition between area high schools..2 years)
DECA - past vice president</p>

<p>AP National Scholar
AP Scholar
will be National Merit Scholar, Commended (212 in a competitive state)
State-Wide Distinguished Scholars Program, Finalist (350 finalists chosen from entire state based on GPA and SAT scores)
Assorted School Departmental Awards</p>

<p>8-week Paid Summer Research Internship at the National Institutes of Health with National Cancer Institute</p>

<p>No EC that really stands looks like a usual list of EC's except for the 8 week cancer research thing? What is that?</p>

<p>it was an internship in a research lab at NIH...i learned what the people in my lab were doing and then helped out conducting the end i had to prepare a poster and present</p>

<p>with good essay and recs, i think you have a very good chance</p>

<p>SATs are fine, SAT IIs are fine. APs are remarkable. Excellent rank and GPA. ECs...they bring your application down. SIP at NIH is the only thing that truly makes you stand out. The government posts are exciting, but if they're letting sophomores onto the state student government, there's gotta be something awry there. Besides those, it's really standard fare. That said, I think you've got a decent shot SCEA and a better shot RD by virtue of your grades and hopefully good essays and recs. Good luck.</p>

<p>I don't know about you guys, but in our county SMOB is a huge deal. Just having that will get you in to most schools. But then again, our district is a lot bigger than yours, we have ~140,000 students i think. How big of a deal is SIP at the NIH?</p>

<p>I'd say you have some excellent chances.</p>

<p>SCEA won't make much difference in your chances since HPS got rid of ED/EA--unless you're hooked. Good chances, nonetheless.</p>

<p>I swear every single chance thread looks exactly the same.
High scores, high GPA, and assorted school academic/music teams
What a time ADCOMs must have.</p>
