Chances getting into Honors College

<p>I applied to the Honors college back in the middle of January, but the only thing I have heard from them is a letter saying that I will get a decision on or before April 15th. When I applied, I sent in my resume, and 2 letters of recommendation along with my transcript and application and essay. Last week after receiving the letter I sent in another letter of recommendation, an academic award I just received, a certificate for leadership after a major community service project, a thank you letter for my leadership from my school's headmaster, and another essay I wrote.</p>

<p>My stats:
4.9 weighted GPA(my school does 4.0 for regular A, 5 for honors, 6 for AP)
3.7 unweighted GPA (Includes all my classes)
28 on ACT (didn't send in SAT since they were alot lower)</p>

<p>9th: 3 honors
10th: 5 honors
11th: 3 honors, 1 AP, and 1 dual enrollment
12th: 2 Honors, 3 AP (plus AP chem lab, so really 4)
Class rank: 14/73</p>

Treasurer of National Honor Society
Vice President of Projects for Key Club
Pre-Medical Club
Jewish Club</p>

<p>Volunteer: 70 hours at hospital
Work: Counsellor at summer camp for two summers</p>

<p>I ran all of the major projects for the Key Club and Honor Society, including a huge melanoma project in which we have set up a website and had a huge assembly for the school which included cheerleaders from the redskins</p>

<p>What do you think my chances are of getting into the Burnett Honors College? I'm hoping to hear from them before April 15th but I'm not sure what to do.</p>


<p>I think you’ll get in.</p>

<p>The honors admission statistics from last year can be found here:</p>

<p>[Executive</a> Daily Reports - FTIC Profile](<a href=“]Executive”></p>