Chances getting into Purdue?

<p>Hey Everybody! My name is Jake and I am a Junior in High School in Maryland. My top college right now is Purdue because it is a great school for engineering - which is what I want to major in- and I have always been a fan of its athletics. </p>

<p>As of right now I am fifth out of two hundred and twenty two people. With a weighted GPA of 3.96 and an unweighted 3.3, quite a large gap in my opinion. I really have only taken all honors classes form freshman year to now with the exception of three AP's this year (Micro & Macro Eco, AP Language and Comp, and AP American History). I plan on taking AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Lit. and AP Biology for my senior year AP's along with Constitutional Law Hon, and an Engineering Course which I think is Honors as well. I plan on taking a Statistics course over this summer at a a State University near me. </p>

<p>My Extracurriculars are not my strongest point but here it goes. I am part of the football team with strong captain potential. Part of National Honor Society of which I will be President of. I was involved with Jr Honor Society in earlier years. Tried my hand at chess but it never really developed, just cause I hate the teacher who coordinates it. I will be running track next year in winter and might try my hand at tennis - don't know if that matters or not - and right now I am trying to start up some new clubs at my school (math team, and Engineering club). I do a couple hours a week at library here in the town and have done other miscellaneous events. Trying to get involved in Habitat for humanity this summer. </p>

<p>As for SAT's I think I will do well when I take them in June, maybe 1850-2100 range. I am applying for a Navy ROTC scholarship for my time at Purdue. Does this weigh in admissions mind at all? My family is really poor and I would be a First generation at college for my family. How heavy does that play into it?</p>

<p>Okay I think that is it. Tell me what you think my chances are. Any suggestions to improve or for other school would be more than welcomed.</p>

<p>you would get in. you should also strongly consider college park. it’s fairly good in eng, and in state! purdue is NOT worth oos tuition over college park.</p>