Chances getting into Texas A&M?

Hello, my daughter applied on 9/30 and finished submitting the other required documents in the days following to AIS. She is getting worried as she still hasn’t heard back but some of her other friends who are review admits already have.
I was wondering if we could hear some feedback on her chance of getting in (Full admission)? Thank you all in advance.

Review In State
Education Major
GPA 3.7 UW 4.6 W
2nd Quarter class of 800+
5 APs + Honors
Graduating with 21 dual credit hours
Did not take SAT
2 ECs
Over 100 Volunteer Hours
National Honor Society
Spanish National Honor Society
2 Letters of Recommendation

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Honestly, 2nd quarter hurts with no test score supporting her academics. Her ECs are pretty average along with volunteer hours. 5 APs are great if she has good scores with them. But it does show her course rigor along with 21 dual credit hours.

Hopefully her essay shows something special to catch their attention. But if she doesn’t get straight in as a freshman, there are other ways to make it happen!!! Stay positive and please let us know how it turns out!

Hi! I am an out of state student that applied to A&M in early November. A&M has been my absolute dream school since middle school. Not expecting to hear back until after the holidays but wanted to get some peace of mind and/or prep about my decision. Here are my stats

Review out of State (school does not rank)
Health- Allied Health Major
GPA 3.881 UW 4.357 W
7 APs + 6 Honors
1260 SAT
1, 10+ year EC
4 years of Involvement in Student organizations/held officer positions
Over 1000 Volunteer Hours
National Honor Society
California Scholarship Federation
2 Letters of Recommendation

I have a student waiting as well.

2nd quarter
3.71 on a 4.0 scale
1120 SAT only took once
Physics major

Has taken 4 DE with A’s and AB’s
Only 2 AP classes

What do y’all think?
Both Mom and Dad were Aggie Grads.

She is in review and are hoping for the best. Hate to be negative to her but I am thinking first to Blinn and then try to transfer in?

She has worked steadily for 2 years and has a couple leadership positions and tons of extra curricular and volunteer hours.

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@Matt_B @ChristiR93 will have better advice.
Going to be honest, if she submitted that SAT, that won’t help, plus 2nd quarter rank. Being a legacy (parents attending TAMU) doesn’t carry any weight.
Maybe a Blinn TEAM or PSA offer? But who knows, crazier things have happened?!


Thank you! I guess we are thinking the same. Just not understanding why they say the SAT won’t effect it either way? Also that there is an “option” to submit scores when it seems that will be held against you vs. not submitting scores would not. Blinn TEAM would actually be our preferred path. We are hopeful one way or the other.

@Matt_B i hear ya. Supposedly it won’t count against, but probably would’ve been better to submit test optional? Just thinking outloud…
Blinn TEAM is a great offer, but it may come down to numbers-how many ahead of her have higher stats and spaces available.
Keep us posted!


Awe sadly I’m going to agree with @52AG82. 2nd quarter is tough if you don’t have a solid sat score to boost up the rating Tamu assigns. They will score/rate her with and without her sat so you are correct this it won’t hurt her. They’ll just see where she lands both ways. With it not being high, it may not move her either way (up or down).

Y’all being former students may work against her for gateway Simply because the goal of gateway is to work with students who many need extra support. However I’ve seen all types of students get this option.

Team will come down to availability. I would say many last year were top quarter that got team, but not all.

I love your backup plan from blinn to Tamu transfer. It’s such a good option and it puts her in Aggieland. She’ll make a ton of friends both Aggies and at blinn if she puts herself out there. No one cares where you go. Especially freshman year. It’s very common.

Please keep us posted and if she does do straight transfer route, let me know if I can help y’all with degree planning to best position herself. Happy to help!


@ChristiR93 thank you for the response. We will definitely be seeking advice for the Fall if Blinn first is our path. This is our first time thru, things have changed so much since we were there 30 years ago.

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Have soph daughter interested in A&M and Mays. Borderline top 10% at an extremely competitive school in-state. She can take a business incubator class but it would hurt her GPA and basically (sadly) knock her out of top 10% contention. Extracurriculars are generally strong. Assuming top 10% is out, how does A&M view AP vs ‘advanced’ (similar GPA weighting to AP) vs dual credit courses? Thanks in advance.

In what regards? Tamu looks at course rigor but that’s mainly with engineering for math and sciences. Too 10% is key for Mays. Very hard to get accepted early enough and there still be spots open in business.

AP credit is a choice to be accepted at any college. Dual credit is automatically a part of their college transcript (but won’t factor into Tamu gpa).

Tamu wants to see you challenging yourself but if you’re top 10% then you’re in regardless assuming you apply early.

Hope I answered your question. If I didn’t, ask me again lol.

Skip the incubator class, apply in August & do whatever it takes to be Top 10% for Mays.

Thanks! I think you have both answered but just to be sure. Are you saying (1) top 10% is auto into Mays and (2) if you aren’t top 10%, you won’t get into Mays because it will be full?

I did understand DC won’t help GPA. It also sounds like DC vs AP vs ‘advanced’ course selection/rigor won’t matter much other than to the extent it helps with weighted GPA (and DC wouldn’t be a factor here).

If you apply early (august) and are top 10% and choose Mays, you’ll get mays. If you are holistic review and have are 1st quarter with high score on sat or act, you have a solid chance. If score is average or 2nd quarter, you will most likely not get Mays unless there’s something g unique about your app.

I’m not sure I understand ypur question about dual credit. If your school doesn’t weight DC then I understand what you’re saying. It actually hurts GOa. AP helps Gpa and can be used as college credit or not. Up to student.

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Thanks…if she applies early with 1st quartile grades and good sat/act, there would still be a decent chance to get accepted before Mays fills up?

10% seems safest but counselor has advised her to take the incubator class to demonstrate interest. She wants to take the class and all else equal, it makes sense. At her school though, there would be no way to make top 10 if she takes the class because it isn’t weighted and her school is ultra competitive. She is currently in top 10.3%. She was planning to take dual credit as well but that would make it even harder.

She’ll need a great ACT or SAT (32+ or 1400+, I’d say) plus high gpa and strong resume, if she’s not Top 10%, to be considered. It literally gets tougher every year.
If it were my kid, I’d go for the Top 10%, which is a sure thing-assuming she applies in August and is for sure Top 10%.

I don’t understand what you’re asking about DC?
Every district does it differently (which drives me crazy-it should be uniform across the state).
If DC isn’t weighted, why would she take it?

Any chance your student will be NMSQ, or whatever the proper term is, based on junior PSAT? That is another sure pathway to getting admit if not top 10%. Read the 2026 thread to get a good understanding of the stats of review candidates offered admission. As already stated, do whatever it takes to be top 10% - sounds like that means taking lots of AP classes and doing well in them. Its possible lots of other students at your high school are thinking the same way - how to get into top %10 to get auto admit.

Your school sounds like my sons in that DC doesn’t count towards gpa. Being a review candidate these days is a gamble if one doesn’t have high scores.


Getting into top 10% is most important. If your school treat AP with higher weighted GPA go for APs, and the reason is solely for boosting ranking.

Official high school transcript is required for top 10% (to prove their ranking) which at times can take weeks.

Outside top 10%, TAMU uses SRAR (an outsourced Self-Reported Academic Record portal)to index applicants’ subjects. No one will read applicants’ particular subject so whether the class is Buiness or Physics C will not be relevent. SRAR data uses indexes (e.g. having 4.5 science classes, 5 social classess…etc) to evaluate students. In other words, no one will analyze “interest” on a particular subject, but SRAR will indicate whether a student is good in maths, science, social studies, art…etc. The only way applicants can demonstrate interest is mentioning in the essay.

In short, stay in top 10%, apply early (like first day) and make sure transcript sent over to TAMU early. Do not hesitate to contact admission office by calling or via AIS (application portal) questions. The goal is to make sure everything “green checked” and the status is “Complete and in Review” as soon as possible (like end of August for this year)

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@bartscott wait, your daughter is only a sophomore? Junior year is the hardest, at least it is for everyone we know. And yes, we were at a mega large 6A school. I’m surprised they have given out class ranks already; our district doesn’t give our ranks until junior year.
Have her prep for PSAT & SAT.
Honestly so much can change between now and a year from now, as far as ranking. If she really wants to take the business incubation class (what is that exactly?? I’ve got a Mays kid, never heard of anything like it), let her take it. Who knows, it might make her not want to even go into business.
But bottom line…if she wants Mays, she needs to shoot for being true Top 10% (not 10.5, 11%).

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