Chances gone Limbo?

<p>Hi!:) I'm a Filipino high school student (I'll be a senior this June), studying in a public secondary institution in the Philippines (though under a Special Science Curriculum, which means we take more courses in Math and Science than the Regular Curriculum-based schools). I've only gone through 6 years of elementary education, NO MIDDLE SCHOOL in the Philippines, at least not until maybe three years from now(?). Okay so. My Courses through High School (up to third year only)
3 years of PEHM (PE, Music, Arts and Health) 3 years of Filipino (grammar and literature) 3 years of English (grammar and literature, for literature, we had Filipino Lit. Afro-Asian Lit. and American and English Lit.) 1 year of General Science, 1 year of Chemistry with Lab, 1 year of Physics with Lab, 1 year of Biology, 1 year of Earth Science, One year of Botany, 3 years of History (Philippine, Asian, World, one for each year) 2 years of computer science, 1 year of elementary Algebra, 1 year of Intermediate ALgebra, 1 year of Plane Geometry, 1 year of Analytic Geometry, One year of Research I (Technical writing and basic statistics), One year of Advanced Statistics, 1 year of Precalculus</p>

<p>So in the incoming year the course load: </p>

Research II
Filipino IV
English IV
Chemistry II
Physics II
Linear Algebra</p>

<p>Through the last three years, I consistently part of the top 10%, good grades, some extremes though in some gradings, but my third year was pretty cool. 90.33 in first grading (AVERAGE), 91. 22 in second, and 91. something in third, the 4th grading average is yet to be unveiled :)). </p>

<p>ECs: Officer (Representative) in the Interact Club
Feeding Program
Literacy Program
1 year (including summer) Job at my parents' small pharmacy (i was paid alright. :D)
3 years in the Science team
Done two Research papers already
1st Place in Youth Journalism International Contest in 2010 in the First Person Essay Category
Reader's Theatre Team, we placed 2nd in the Regionals last year
Feature Editor of the school publication this year (but I am on tenterhooks for a promotion XDD)
City Journalism Contest</p>

<p>Am planning to join some contests this June though</p>

<p>Haven't taken the SAT's yet, maybe this June/October or October/November (cause I'm gonna take the STA II's too.)</p>

<p>so, I'll be applying to the following:</p>

UNC at Chapel Hill
U Dub
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
Wesleyan University</p>

<p>WHAT ARE my chances? :) 'Cause I'm really nervous considering my peculiar background. :) Please Reply if you read this. Also I'm 14. I'll be 15 in February 2012. I don't know if this helps. I'm also on the low-income bracket (less than $60,000 per annum) so I'll be applying for Financial Aid. Proficient in English</p>

<p>Guys, I really really need your help.</p>

<p>Oh and to UPenn too! can you say my chances per school? THANKS!! :)</p>

<p>and dartmouth too. :slight_smile: I didn’t have my list soo… haha.</p>

<p>You seem like an exceptional applicant. That said, Harvard gets a lot of these. I would say you’re almost a lock at schools like Vassar, the UC’s, and UNC, but the other ones are so random that it is hard to tell. I would say you have a 60% chance or greater at getting into one of the elite schools you apply to (HYPS, etc.). Good luck!</p>

<p>I say apply and find out. International students are in a very special category. Don’t worry so much about your “stats”. Emphasizes what distinguishes you from the pack and how you will make a special contribution. Personally, I think you are applying to FAR too many universities. They are a very diverse pack. Do you really know what you want? I’d think about that first.</p>