Chances????help Penn State

<p>I have a 3.2 gpa
2000 on my sat
I wanna go to Penn State University Park-major in business
I live in PA and my schools works with Penn State all the time
I have over 300 hours of community service
High school nationally ranked-public
Senior Captain of my team-next yr- my fourth year
A school ambassador
2 years of a job
Attending Penn states business college summer program hopefully
Attended leadership and business conferences
take lots of business classes at my high school</p>

<p>I have multiple recommendations from professors at Penn state in the business department and other departments and recommendations from my counselors and the head of volunteering at my local hospital</p>

<p>I'm African American, adopted by a single parent who was diagnosed with cancer if that makes a differences. </p>

<p>Think I could get in?</p>