Chances into Carnegie Mellon, UW-Madison, Berkelely, UCLA, Georgetown, U of C

<p>I'm a junior with good EC's and a very high GPA, however my SAT scores aren't quite up to par.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.8 W/3.97 unweighted junior year, 4.7 w/3.96 unweighted sophmore
SAT:1800 (1st try, will retake senior year)
Rigor: 4 honors sophmore year (no APs offered at 10th grade)
3 APs Junior Year (Bio, US, Lang.), 2 honor classes (Precalculus, chem)
Will take 4 APs Senior year (Chem, World History, Literature, Cal BC)</p>

<p>International student, full tuition</p>

<p>Criticism is greatly appreciated, thanks!</p>

<p>SAT is way too low for Georgetown or Berkeley. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about the rest to give you a chance at any of them. But since your GPA is very good, and assuming your ECs and AP scores are in fact good, then your low SAT score seems to be the only blemish on your application.</p>