Chances? Low GPA high SAT

<p>Hello, all here are my stats, </p>

<p>Southwest Roanoke</p>

<p>GPA: 3.78, began high school with a 3.2 freshman year and had a 4.125 junior year, does increasing GPA throughout high school help any?</p>

<p>SAT Math-760 Reading-720 Writing-600, probably not gonna take it again, and I heard that the Writing doesn't matter for VT, is that true?</p>

<p>AP courses-WHAP, AP calc AB, AP stat, AP English 11</p>

<p>Dual Classes-5 dual classes, 2 engineering, one engineering drawing, one math</p>

<p>And I did take 4 years of Spanish if that makes a difference</p>

<p>Extracurriculars-Indoor track, Outdoor track, Wrestling freshman year if it counts, Math club, Spanish Club, Academic team</p>

<p>I have two jobs, but one is under the table, so technically 1. However, I have very few volunteering hours, I'm trying to get more, I have around ~30 from volunteering at the library and camps right now, I am also an EMT probationary member, not a full member yet</p>

<p>I do have a sister in Virginia Tech right now, and I am a first generation College student if that makes a difference</p>

<p>I know my gpa is low, but would it be possible to get into the regular and/or honors/engineering program at Virginia Tech? Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Your GPA is not low and your SAT’s are great. I think you have an excellent chance.</p>

<p>Thanks, and I have a few tidbits I forgot to mention, I’m taking AP English 12 online during the summer, that may bolster my gpa just a bit but i’ll assume 3.78 to be sure, and I forgot to write that I had US history also dual, making the total five</p>

<p>Does your school use a 4.0 or a 5.0 scale? It looks like 3.78 is your Weighted GPA. What is your Unweighted?</p>

<p>4.0 scale, and yes, 3.78 is my weighted, I’m not exactly sure what my unweighted GPA is, but my guess is in the neighborhood of 3.3 or so</p>

<p>Eventhough your GPA is not commensurate with your SAT’s (but still a very good GPA!) I think your strength of schedule is very strong. That is something that they really look at closely. Many can have a 4.0 but not take a competitive courseload. Plus, you are handling it with a job. Don’t worry about the writing score. As for honors-that may be difficult. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, at the moment i’m waiting for a reply from the legendary Chuy or BlueIguana before I start to worry or become relieved :P</p>

<p>I think your in, especially if you took engineering related classes in HS. Your SAT’s though are competitive for even top 10 college/universities in my opinion. I think your in. Then again I’ve heard of people with similar stats get denied but its rare I think. If they deny you it would be because they assume tech is a safety school and you won’t most likely go here so they try to save open slots.</p>

<p>Haha thanks for the flattery, but I don’t think they’ll do that considering my gpa isn’t exactly great.</p>