Chances: Mostly UCs and 3 Others

<p>California Resident
Biochem/Molecular Bio Major</p>

<p>Class Rank: Top 25%, That is as detailed as my councilor would say, but I'm sure it is in the lower part of the twenties
WGPA - 4.0 (my UC GPA is the same)
UWGPA - 3.74
(these do not include CC courses, although I only have one which was Fundamental Chem)
SATI: 2020 (M:800, R:630, W:590 Essay: 8)
ACT: 30 (M: 34, S: 35, E: 25, R: 24 Essay: 8)
SATII: Math IIc - 760, Bio - 750, Physics - 740 (All the same day but I doubt they care)
AP: CS AB - 5, Phy - 4, Bio - 5</p>

<p>Senior Year
H Span 4
AP Gov/H Econ
Contemp Lit
AP Enviro
AP Chem
Calculus (CSUF class taught on our campus)
Symphonic Band</p>

<p>Upward Trend Student Junior GPA > Sophomore GPA > Freshman GPA</p>

Volunteer Work:
100+ hours with YAT
These next two I just joined this year
IPAC - Child care about 4 hours a week
Aid for Africa - Fund raising about 1 hour a week</p>

MUN - Junior and Senior year
YAT - All years (basically meetings for volunteer sign up)
Science Olympiad - more of a team of 30 people that you have to try out for, but we did club like things. Junior year (no longer able to keep two teams so I couldn't join again)
Math Olympiad - This was actually a club. Junior and Senior year
Aid for Africa - Discussion
Current Science Club - Debates over things happening in science. Senior year</p>

Music Letter for extensive enrollment in music program
Principal Honor Roll for grades
Charter Oak for Bio and Physics (award giving to students that excel in a subject)
Computer Science Team of 4 won 1st place at Southern Californian Programming Competition
and AP Scholor</p>

Summer before Junior and Senior year I had an internship at which I worked as a programmer, and worked with programmers in India.
Letters of Recommendation:
I have known my Councilor since Freshman year and she will be writing letters of rec for me.
I am also getting one from my AP Physics Teacher who as had 3 classes with me and had me for two years in a row. My AP Gov teacher has had me in 3 classes over a time span of 3 years and will be writing one for me also.</p>

University of Washington (Seattle campus) also their honors program because Honors program is only considered after you are accepted
Rice (they are a good school and they are giving me a fee waiver)
Johns Hopkins (my parents really want me to apply)</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA-High Match
UCI/UCD/UCSB-Match/Safety Match

<p>whoa thanks for the quick response</p>

<p>Also I forgot to add</p>

2 years of band staff - band material management
student forum council member - represents TA and participates in election convention (kind of like electoral college system)</p>

4 years of marching band</p>

<p>Your GPA is a bit weak for the top UCs, and your scores are about at the average. The rank, though, is hurting you -- though rank is generally not considered, it's indicative of the strength of your GPA. You have good ECs and honors/awards. Do you have any leadership positions?</p>

<p>Berkeley: reach
UCLA: slight reach
UCSD: match - safe match
UCI/UCD/UCSB/UCR: safety</p>

<p>Yeah, they are in the post right above yours. By the time I realized to add them the time allowed to edit was over.</p>

<p>berkeley/ucla - reach</p>

<p>all others - match</p>

<p>any more chances? No one even addressed that non UCs.</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Safe Match-Safety</p>

<p>I think you got a good shot at UCSD and UCLA and should be in no problem everywhere below those two. Best of luck!</p>

<p>please chances for non UCs</p>

<p>rice- 35% chance</p>