Chances @ My Dream School

<p>Well I'm a junior this year and I'm doing worse than expected. It has been one quarter and I'm shocked by the grades I'm getting, but I'm hoping I can bring them up. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.76W
PSAT: Predicted 1270, but I'm hoping for atleast 1300
RANK: Top 5% out of around 650 students</p>

<p>9th: All classes were Gate level, which is basically honors with no grade bump.</p>

<p>10th: All gate classes and 1 honors - HL Pre-Calc</p>

<p>11th: AP Calc, AP US, AP Eng, HL Chem, HL Span 3, and Journalism</p>

<p>12th: AP Psych, AP Eng, AP Stats, AP Gov/Econ, Journalism and Physics</p>

<p>EC's/Community Service/Awards: Tennis, CSF, VBall Club (Treasurer), Sign Language Club, Foreign Foods Club (VP), Journalism (Entertainment Editor), Early Academic Outreach Program, Relay 4 Life, Key Club (VP), Random Acts of Kindness Club, Recycling Club, Certificate of Scholastic Achievement, Circle B Athletic Award, Block B Academic Letter, and "Most Consistent Player" - Tennis.</p>

<p>Also 2 immediate family members had/have cancer during my high school years. My essay topic combined with Relay 4 Life....I will have done it for 5 yrs, and the team I'm on with my high school friends should have raised over 40k dollars.</p>

<p>I'm applying EA, and I really want to go to Miami. I would apply ED, but I can't make that committment bc of financial reasons.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>You should definetly have a good chance. Admissions keep getting more competetive every year though. Ur sat scores are on the lower half. really work to get at least that 1300 at a minimum. Ur class rank is really going to help you as they put a lot of weight towards that and ur gpa and EX currics are good too. Wat program will you be applying to?</p>

<p>Media Management in the communications department.</p>

<p>You should be fine dont worry. You really need to do well on ur sats though as there middle 50% is 1220-1370. A 1300 would put u right in the middle. There average weighted gpa was also a 4.2 so ur behind on that too. But ur tough schedule, extras, and class rank are impressive. Also u are not applying to one of there more difficult programs. The thing for you to worry about though is receiveing money. You said that money was an issue for you and with the cost of attending at about 42000 i am guessing you will be needing a scholorship. Your class rank puts you in great position for one but you really need to see around a 1370-1400 on ur SATs. Miami has great merit based money but not always the case for need based. Really study for those SATs.</p>

<p>the scholarships say you need an A does a 3.8 count as an A average?</p>

<p>Also random college sights say the avg. grant is around 17k, so if I get something near that, I will take out loans. I really want to be a Cane!!!</p>

<p>Yes i have seen those sites including princetonreview that says the average need based is that much. But realistically i have heard that you can only expect 10-11 K a year. But Miami also recalculates GPA's depending on ur classes and school. So ur 3.8 gpa could be more like a 4.1 in their books. It all depends. But most of there academic scholorship money is given out based on ACT/SAT results. But if u have ur heart set on this school I am sure that you will be able to attend.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help....Based on my stats, what SAT score do you think I need to get in? Also what SAT score do you think I need to get a scholarship? Also which scholarship do you think I have a shot at getting? (8k, 11k, 16k, 24k, or 32k)?</p>

<p>Thanks you go to UM?</p>

<p>Just because you fall in the range of a potential scholarship dosen't guarantee that you will be awarded one. FYI. My daughter had a 1330/1600 SAT and a 3.84 GPA. She was admitted for the class of 2010 but was NOT offered any scholarship money (only FRAG and Bright Futures...instate).</p>

<p>First off, did your daughter apply early action? That is when nearly all of the scholorships are awarded. For you socal I would think that a 1250 or so should get you in. However, that will probably not get you any money. I think if you can somehow pull of a 1350 you will have a good chance at the 11K. But remember to apply real early as that will give you the best odds</p>

<p>FYI - My daughter did apply early action.</p>

<p>seiclan what was your daughter ranked?</p>

<p>And canes3618, thanks, I hope I can get a 1350.</p>

<p>SoCal - She went to a very challenging private prep school that did not rank. The point really is that you cannot predict with any degree of certainty who will get into a school or who will get merit scholarships (the tables on the website actual state that the grade/GPA/SAT cutoffs are only guidelines but not guarantees). Incidently, she is now a freshman at UF (her choice, we would have paid for UM) and she is very happy with her decision.</p>