Chances of acceptance into Ivy League schools?

<p>You guys get this question all the time, so thank you for your help!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.98 unweighted, 7.18 weighted
Class Rank: 1
Colleges Applied to: Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Rice, Vanderbilt, St. Andrews (Scotland), and a bunch of state schools
SAT: 1490/2200 (I'm taking the December subject tests)</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule:
Drama II
English II H
Chemistry H
Marine Science H
Spanish II
AP World History
AP Biology
Dual Enrolled Calculus II
Dual Enrolled Calculus III
Dual Enrolled Differential Equations
Dual Enrolled Intro to Physics</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
Spanish III H
AP US History
AP English Lang
AP Chemistry
AP Psychology
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Environmental Science
Dual Enrolled Physics I w/ Calc</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
Spanish IV H
Contemporary History
Economics H
AP Physics C: E & M
AP European History
AP English Lit
Dual Enrolled Ethics
Dual Enrolled New Testament Survey
Dual Enrolled Developmental Psychology
Dual Enrolled Sociology</p>

President of the Physics Club
Mu Alpha Theta (Calculus team)
Drama Club (Performed in 4 plays, competed at State)
Founder and president of a charity (5 years)
Head coach of a handicapped soccer team (4 years)
American Red Cross Club
Spanish National Honor Society
Interact Club
Key Club
Summer research program (Awards for research paper and poster)
Research at another university</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting into any of the schools I mentioned?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your time!</p>

<p>Well…your SAT score doesn’t put you in the upper range for sure…but what were your AP scores?</p>

<p>With awesome essays and scores:</p>

<p>You’re safe for Andrews (and probably the state schools). From what I remember about UCAS, there wasn’t really much international students could input, so Cambridge may be harder to get into. I’d say you have pretty good chances at the others as well considering your ECs are solid, and your coursework is great (calc 3 is multivariable I’m assuming? Did you take almost all AP offered at your school?). What was your weighted GPA? 4.18 is on the low side…but that seems too low considering you took 11 APs and got a 3.98 uw gpa? Does dual enrolled mean a community college?</p>

<p>Yes, Calc 3 is multivariable. Dual enrolled is in a community college. My weighted is a 7.18, not a 4.18. My county’s weighting system doesn’t really make any sense at all. I have taken all but the foreign language APs offered at my school.</p>

<p>Oh ok…haha but how were your AP scores? 5s? 4s? As I said, you look great on paper (not necessarily the very top of the range, but above average), but so do a lot of other people who get rejected from those top schools every year. You just need to have stellar essays and see how it goes. That being said, you definitely have a decent shot.</p>

<p>What country are you from? Is Emglsh a second language? How does your SAT break out?</p>

<p>Good chances</p>

<p>Can you break down your SAT? I don’t see why everyone is giving you good chances with a 2200…</p>