Chances of Acceptance: Nursing Schools

<p>Hi, I am a high school junior at the moment and am sure about becoming a nurse. I've been looking at nursing schools for a while now and would like some opinions on my chances getting in and the schools themselves.
I have a 3.7 unweighted GPA but have taken many honors classes.
I hope to have a 2100 on the SATs.
I have an overwhelming amount of community service in my community.
The schools I am looking at are:
U Pitt
Penn State (university park)
Case western
Thank you!</p>

<p>If you achieve a 2100 on your SATs and you apply early with very good essays, then I think you have a very good shot at all of your schools with the possible exception of Georgetown. [Student</a> Profile - Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Student”>
Good Luck!</p>

<p>Add a couple safeties. Remember your safeties have to be both academic and financial safeties.</p>

<p>Remember that any many colleges (including Pitt and Penn State), nursing is one of the hardest majors for admittance. Therefore, don’t depend upon average data for a college for admissions.</p>

<p>Fairly impressive list. Have you considered adding Penn and UVa to your list of possible schools?</p>

<p>I have heard that University of Virginia is much like UNC chapel hill in that it is very difficult to be accepted if you are not from North Carolina or in UVAs terms: virginia.
Is that true?</p>

<p>Yes, UVa and UNC-CH are extremely competitive for out of state admissions. UVa allows 30% out of state, but had a 30% increase in applications in the last 3 years. UNC only allows 10% out of state students. Also, I believe I heard that UNC-CH is not a direct entry nursing program.</p>

<p>I am certain that charlieschm is correct about the stats for UVa and UNC-CH. However, I have also heard that 100% of all the students that don’t apply are not accepted. IMHO - if you are interested then you should consider applying. Some OOS students do get accepted.</p>

<p>The original person posting probably has credentials to be competitive at UVa and UNC-CH. I would just treat them as another set of reach schools. I should add that the numbers I posted are for the undergrad student body as a whole, not the nursing program.</p>

<p>UVa has built a huge new nursing building. There is a big plus from being a few feet away from such a huge medical and medical research complex, as well as a med school. Charlottesville is a great place to go to college. (My son is there, but he is not studying nursing). </p>

<p>UVa and UNC-CH have good need based aid for out of state students (which is not common). However, if you aren’t eligible for any need based aid, UVa has become very expensive (39K a year tuition).</p>

<p>Does anyone know if these schools have any different application deadlines for the nursing schools in particular? Also as I am working on my letters of recommendations with my teachers, what should I have them focus on?</p>