Chances of acceptance to tech?

<p>Anyone Chance me? I applied to the school of engineering. I am from a Small private school in Los angeles w/o a class rank.</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted):
2.84 (I think its worth mentioning that its grown from 1.59 in 9th to 3.7 in 12th)</p>


<p>Ap's: None offered by my school, taking most advanced courses of math+science at my school however.</p>

<p>EC's: Math team (co-capt. =D), Rock climbing club, Theater Tech, International community involvement trips, standard CI, Work exp. as prep chef for a restaurant.</p>

<p>Not very good at all.</p>

<p>Wait, I forget, does VT discount freshman grades? I know some schools do, and I think some schools even disregard them. Try and find out which ones do and look at them. Your SAT is fine for VT, your GPA is just probably going to be too low.</p>

<p>Yea, I think they do. I was under the impression that I had a decent chance anyway because of my high math score and upward grade trend. One of my essays was also an explanation of why my grades were so ****ty at first. I guess well c in march/april. Thanks for the input tho.</p>

<p>I was reading a blog entry from Virginia Tech admissions for when I applied last year. They sort of have a “forgiveness” system. If they see a major jump is academia from your freshman year up until your junior/senior year, they normally will just calculate your GPA from the last 2 years and use that. If you have a transcript, you might want to calculate your GPA and that will give us a better idea of what we think VT’s decision will be. As for the rest of your credentials, your SAT scores look really good. They are not what is going to hurt you. If you look at VT 2014 incoming freshman statistics, you will see the average GPA was around a 3.96 which is fairly high. The average SAT was 1250 (CR+M). Let’s just hope they look at the last two years instead of your freshman year.</p>

<p>Also, VT notified me of admission on February 24. You might receive your decision then. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>james, were u invited to be in the honors college? cause i think that date applies to only honors students, not sure though</p>

<p>No. My Sat wasn’t high enough for the honors college. I think they just did an early notification thing since so many students applied.</p>

<p>Last year, VT had an intermediate notification date. My D2 also heard of her acceptance on Feb 24th, even though she was not honors eligible. If you look back at some of the acceptance threads from last year, you’ll see some discussions about this.</p>

<p>i have a 1330 in sat (Math and cr) and am an Indian student studying in Bangalore and have completed my app to vt. i wanted to know how do they assess the grades for international students? because my marks are low but quite good as compared to the class, the exams held in my school are quite difficult…</p>

<p>wt are my chances?</p>

<p>Most of the time admissions are done on a by school basis. If I had been competing with people from NOVA for VT Admission, I probably wouldn’t have gotten in with my credentials. So if your grades are better than the average in your school, you will most likely be accepted. It isn’t a definite though. I am unsure of VT handles International students, but I’m sure they would convert your grades to a 4.0 GPA scale and use that. Maybe you should e-mail VT Admissions about it and see how they do things. Also, a 1330 SAT should get you honors if I’m not mistaken. You should be notified of your admission decision by March.</p>

<p>So my question is kind of about admissions, does any one know/confirm if tech is one of those schools that convert ACT scores (subscores, i.e.: English and math) to SAT and use the best total score possible to evaluate you? I heard this from my Virginia Tech representative at my school, but wanted to see if others heard about this too.</p>

<p>yes they use superscore.</p>

<p>thnx, I emailed admissions and they confirmed it.</p>

<p>anyone know HOW they convert? is there a scale out there that converts ACT subscores to SAT scores? I guessing they are comparing the national percentiles on the ACT with the SAT. So if you got a 95th percentile on the ACT, they match it up w/ the 95th percentile on the SAT. just a thought.</p>

<p>I emailed back admissions asking how the convert. I will post the answer once they reply.</p>

<p>do you guys think a 4.1 and a 1380 SAT would cut for the honors college?</p>

<p>Yes definitely.</p>

<p>whoops guillaume, it was a typo i meant to say 4.0 (weighted) w/ 1380 SAT. that 4.0 reflects up till the end of 11th grade, 1st semester so far senior year i have a 4.5 and am taking 5 ap’s. do u think they would consider my senior year courseload AND grades and see the new increased GPA for honors admissions?</p>

<p>and is it true that honors admissions seems to be more holistic than the admissions which is very numbers driven?</p>

<p>Actually it is numbers driven. If you look on their website somewhere it says what minimum GPA and SAT you need to have to receive the invitation.</p>

<p>i have applied to the normal undergraduate engineering porgram…wt is honors? i hve no clue…thanks fr the help…</p>

<p>From VT online, Admission to Honors:</p>



<p>Here’s a link to the VT Honors program:</p>

<p>[University</a> Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]University”></p>