Chances of acceptance to tech?

<p>I know exactly how VT converts ACT scores. They converted mine. They use an SAT-ACT concordance table. You can Google it and it will show up on the SAT website. They use the subscores you got on the ACT and convert them to the projected CR+M score on the SAT. Most people ask me how I know this information, because I have posted it on College Confidential before. I asked VT admissions at this time last year when I applied. I still have the e-mail from them.</p>

<p>i tired Google and came across a link that showed the composite score being converted to an SAT range (CR+M). It didn’t show a specific sub score like ACT English being converted to SAT critical reading. I guess I am trying to find out what these scores are converted to: E: 30 M: 29 R:31 S: 28 E/W: 31 Essay: 11 and a total composite of 28. So again, what would a 30 in English and a 29 in math convert to on the SAT 1600 scale? i don’t thin tech uses the composite score to convert so I am a little lost…jame2014 can u help me convert these score? and if u don’t mind can u post the email on this thread also!</p>


<p>bump. 10 char</p>

<p>Sure. I’ll try to convert them.</p>

<p>I’m using this concordance table to convert.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
It uses your composite score, but I’m sure Virginia Tech would take a look at the individual scores as well.</p>

<p>ACT Composite score of 28 = SAT score of 1250-1280. The website says 1260 specifically in that range. The average CR+M score for VT students is a 1250. </p>

<p>English/Writing score of 31 = SAT score of 690–700. The website says 690 specifically in that range.</p>

<p>If you add those two numbers together:</p>

<h2>1260 + 690 = 1950. That is your score out of 2400. That isn’t bad at all. Also read the following e-mails from the bottom up. They are like that in my e-mail. I just copied and pasted it. </h2>

<p>RE: ACT/SAT Score Comparison
From: VT Admissions (vtadmiss) <a href=“”></a>Add to Contacts
To: James Waller <~~~~~~~~~~■■■■■■.com> </p>


<p>We convert all subsection scores, not just the composite score.</p>

<p>Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Virginia Tech
201 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-6267
Fax: 540/231-3242</p>

<p>From: James Waller [mailto:~~~~~~~~~■■■■■■.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:03 PM
To: VT Admissions (vtadmiss)
Subject: Re: ACT/SAT Score Comparison</p>

<p>Is it just the composite score that is used with the ACT/SAT concordance table or do you convert all the subscores to SAT scores?</p>


<p>From: VT Admissions (vtadmiss) <a href=“”></a>
To: James Waller <~~~~~~~■■■■■■.com>
Sent: Sun, February 14, 2010 5:44:13 PM
Subject: RE: ACT/SAT Score Comparison</p>

<p>Greetings from VT Admissions!</p>

<p>Yes, the ACT scores are converted to SAT scores using a concordance table. The average ACT composite score of students offered admission is 26, which translates to an SAT score of 1180 (math and critical reading). Yes, we use the highest subsection score of all test scores submitted, ACT and SAT. Please let us know if you need further assistance.</p>

<p>Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Virginia Tech
201 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-6267
Fax: 540/231-3242</p>


<p>Hope that helps. If you need anything further from the information I have provided here, please feel free to send me a private message on here and I’ll respond to it when I log in, which is normally everyday.</p>

<p>Hey james my inbox is full so that’s why I wasn’t able to respond back to ur pm. I just want to say a huge thanks!</p>

<p>It’s no problem. I’m happy to help.</p>

<p>u tld me to ask vt abt the school marks and all…so if i mail them it wnt be a problem rite? like they are friendly rite?</p>

<p>Eagles<em>For</em>Life: You might want to contact ACT your composite score should be a 29/30. Just by looking at your scores the average cannot be a 28.</p>

<p>woosah, I was providing the best of each section in the post. haha I wish i got a 30…</p>

<p>Also, james2014, can u confirm that post you had earlier that you could email tech w/ cutoffs information s being requested?</p>

<p>i live in NC and i have a 34 act, 2120/1440 sat with a 4.2 gpa weighted…should that be enough to get me an invitation to apply to university honors? i submitted my application on the last day possible. do you receive a letter or do they notify you online… bc i haven’t received a letter yet and i was wondering if other people had already received theirs. thanks!</p>