Chances of Admission being revoked?

I have a question about my UW-Madison admission status. Due to a very bad final paper score and some irresponsible senioritis, it looks like my final scores will end up with D (Faith and Reason), C (AP Calculus AB), B- (World Literature), B- (AP Spanish Language and Culture), B- (Accelerated Physics), A- (AP Psychology), and then an A- in my Journalism course (quarter credit). Especially with the D and C, I am fearful that I might receive a letter of concern or, even worse, my admission being revoked from the admissions office. Hopefully, due to my past academic achievement, my admission to Madison will not be challenged or revoked. I fear that it might be, which would be a tremendous shame, as my whole high school career would come down to a couple classes in my last semester. I also understand that this is all to my own doing. I have a 30 ACT and a 3.6 GPA at a challenging high school before this semester.

So, I was wondering if you had any advice or knowledge on what might happen.

You probably need two D grades or two F grades or one D and one F for rescission, or worse.

Would that also apply if your decision was initially postponed? and when do you find out if your admission was rescinded? I’m kind of on the same boat,my GPA is 3.6 and I got 3 A’s ( Entrepreneurship, Medical Terminology, and Anatomy) 2 B’s ( AP Gov and AP Lit) and 1 D in Calculus this semester so I’m worrying too :confused:

Being postponed doesn’t matter once you’re accepted. They don’t care if you are top or bottom, first or last accepted.

Also, once you are on campus Admissions is ancient history. They have nothing to do with you- other facets of the university take charge of everything.

My son’s senior grades had some lower ones. That was all ancient history by the fall he started college. Let these low grades be a warning that you do need to study for every course your entire college career. You know what can happen! Lesson learned.