Chances of Admission/Honors Program (Organized Details Included)

<p>I'm wondering if my chances of general admission/admission to honors are decent. Thank you for any feedback!</p>

<p>Major: Linguistics</p>

Cum- 3.07 UW, 3.36 W; Senior Year- 3.26 UW, 3.67 W.</p>

<p>Current Schedule:
A.P. Spanish
A.P. World History
Honors French III
Short Fiction

Reading- 740, Math- 640, Writing- 760
Spanish- 680, Literature- 750</p>

<p>School Activites:
Mock Trial- 4 years, co-captain this year.
School Paper- 4 years, co-editor-in-chief this year.
Literary Magazine- 3 years on the editorial board.</p>

Summers after freshman and sophomore years- secretary at a law firm, 40 hours per week.
Summer after junior year to present- sales associate at Hollister, 12 hours per week.</p>

Cum Laude (school does not assign rank, rigorous prep school)
A.P. Scholar (3 on U.S. History, 4 on Euro History, 5 on Eng. Lang.)
Excelent essay and recs.</p>

<p>i would say definitely for general admission, but i’m not so sure about the honors program.</p>

<p>i found this on the neu site:</p>

<p>The entering class for Fall 2008 held the following profile: </p>

<p>Middle 50% GPA: 4.0-4.3 (weighted)
Middle 50% SAT (1600 scale): 1400-1470
Middle 50% ACT: 31-33</p>

<p>No Way!! That is crazy. On my school’s naviance, the avg ACT is a 25 and the avg GPA is a 3.27. </p>

<p>Also, do you need to apply to the honors program, or do they offer it to you when you get accepted?</p>

<p>they offer it to you whe they accept you. on the website, it also says that only 1,333 students TOTAL are a part of this program. so long, hopes and dreams… =(</p>

<p>Those are pretty impressive numbers! Would that be the profile of the whole class, or just of those admitted to honors? The numbers I’m finding on the NEU website for general admission seem lower.
Thanks for clarifying!</p>

<p>those are for the honors program only.</p>

<p>Should have spent another 2 minutes on the NEU website before posting above. Those numbers (posted by brianna9 above) are for those students admitted to honors for fall 2008.</p>

<p>General admission numbers below (from the NEU Alumni Admission Program Volunteer Handbook)
Class Profile
Profile of Admitted Students, fall 2008 (middle 50 percentile)
GPA 3.6-4.1
SAT scores 1770-2030
SAT Math 610-690
SAT Verbal 580-670
SAT Writing 580-670
ACT scores 27-30 </p>

<p>Profile of EA Admitted Students, fall 2008 (middle 50 percentile)
GPA 3.6-4.1
SAT scores 1820-2010
ACT scores 27-30</p>

<p>My GPA is a 3.66, My ACT is a 30 and I have good ECs and all sorts of good stuff, coming from a really competitive Private school. Do you guys think I have a shot at the honors college?</p>

<p>i think you have a shot.
can you guys go to my chance me thread (the one that begins “i’m freakin’ out”) and tell me if i have a shot at the honors program?</p>

<p>Fyi, My GPA was a 3.85 ( i.e without the inflation for AP courses,etc ) with great EC’s and an ACT of 30. I got into the honors program last year with a $10K dean’s scholarship so I think you have a decent chance Bryan.</p>


<p>Just to point out to you guys, it isn’t easy to get into honors. It isn’t something that you can count on getting, even with a good gpa or sat score, because I know plenty of people with good stats that didn’t get in. It is the top percentage of the incoming class, and the incoming class is always getting higher because Northeastern is trying to become more and more selective each year. </p>

<p>Also, getting honors does not mean you keep honors. Many students drop out after the first year. You need a 3.4 gpa in college to stay in honors, which sounds easy, but trust me at Northeastern it is not. It means at least if not more than half of your classes must be As, which is quite difficult to acheive in certain majors.</p>

<p>neuchimie, do you know what the percentage is? i thought i heard 10, but i’m not sure.</p>

<p>^ it is 10%</p>

<p>You have to keep in mind that admissions have been getting increasing difficult for the past several years. Last year’s stats are only going to be a rough guideline for how admissions will be this year.</p>

<p>That said, OP, I think you’re definitely in.</p>

<p>daughter’s stats were similar to OP’s and she didn’t get into honors last year
she was very close and we were told by NEU that we could contest , but here was no real point to, other than the awesome housing</p>