Chances of admission?? Thanks

<p>I go to an academically recognized public high school in Michigan, and although we do not rank classes, i'm sure i'm in the top 5%</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted : 3.685 Subject to rise after senior year (all A's so far)
GPA weighted : 4.143 Also will rise with 4 Honor/AP classes this year</p>

<p>ACT: Math-33 English-35 Crit Reading-34 Science-31 COMPOSITE-33</p>

<p>Sat I's: Math 750 Crit Read 640 Writing 670
Sat II's: Math II- 710 Physics- 670</p>

<p>Will have taken 6 Total AP tests (AP Gov, AP Language, AP calc AB, AP Psych, AP Physics [2 tests])by the end of this year, and have been in all Honor's courses available. Three years of a Foreign Language Class.</p>

<p>Current Schedule: AP Calculus AB
AP Physics (Mechanics and E & M)
AP Psychology
Honors Physiology and Anatomy
Marching Band and Wind Ensemble
Scifi, Reading in Literature</p>

<p>Extracirricular: National Honor Society <a href="Treasurer">11,12</a>
Boy Scouts <a href="Eagle%20Scout%20will%20be%20attained%20within%201%20month">since 5th grade</a>
Marching Band <a href="Section%20Leader">9,10,11,12</a>
Concert Band <a href="Section%20Leader">9,10,11,12</a>
JV Tennis [10,11]<br>
Intramural Basketball <a href="team%20captain">9,10,11,12</a>
Bowling Club <a href="team%20captain">10,11,12</a>
Varsity Golf [12]</p>

<p>I consider myself a very good writer, and both my parents are professional writers who will be able edit my essays, so I'm confident they will be high end upon submission.</p>