<p>Ok, about 8 billion people have already asked this but I want to know for myself....do you think I can get in?</p>
<p>Ok, so I have a 3.5 GPA, all honors classes and I am a junior in HS just finishing up AP Calc BC. I have participated in independant research, got an award from the yale science and engineering foundation for my project, and I am interning through caltech's SURF program this summer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (yes, I am only 16 but I emailed a mentor and he helped me get in because he liked my enthusiasm and I know a lot about Ion Propulsion). So I have gotten C's in math frosh year, and A's in calculus classes. I had to work freshman and sophomore year so that is why my grades are so low. I got a B in english for the first time this year but I am also taking double blocked AP US. I know I will have really good recommendations from teachers and my NASA internship mentor this summer. I haven't taken the SATs yet so hopefully that won't kill me.... I have also taken violin forever, did sports the last 2 years and 2 choirs each year... I feel confident that I can write really good essays. So what do you guys think?</p>
<p>Oh and I am a girl so that will help my chances too. I plan on setting up an interview with HMC this summer as well. I may also be able to get another rec from one of my research mentors at JPL as well.</p>
<p>yes, but part of this website is to get responses from people who are already attending the college... look for yourself on other threads. what is your situation?</p>
<p>Yes I think you have a very good shot at getting in. Make sure you explain very clearly the reason for your C's in frosh math are that you had to work jobs and had trouble finding time. I am sure Mudd will understand, considering how well you've done otherwise.</p>
<p>Something that may help is to get to know one of the admissions officers. My son is a sophomore at HMC. He first met an admissions officer his junior year, kept in touch with him, and met with a different one his senior year. They put a fair amount of emphasis on getting to know the person beyond grades. They are a small enough school that they remember you. Also, you should go ahead and take the SAT asap -- that way if you need to improve your score, you can work on it over the summer. My 10th grader took it in October and again in Jan after a bit of tutoring and raised his score 260 points between the 3 sections. Oh, and being female definitely helps. Good luck!</p>
<p>i don't think they post admissions decisions online -- they mail them to me. i got impatient waiting for mine, and they e-mailed me a copy of the letter they were mailing me :-)</p>
<p>ok sorry I saw your post on another thread and had to reply. I definitely think you'll get in--you have about the same, possibly better credentials than I do, and I got in.
The Yale and Caltech things sound amazing, and will probably look awesome to Harvey Mudd.
Your GPA's around mine, and I also did violin for years, as well as sports all my years of high school... and quite honestly I got a C in math my junior year. I'm betting you'll be fine.
Being a girl really helps too! I think that's what eventually got me in.</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies dncrdittzx22 and jtipton. They REALLY helped, I feel a lot less paranoid. I guess all I have to worry about now is getting awesome SAT scores. hah. </p>
<p>Also a quick response to jtipton, thank you for the idea of getting to know a HMC counselor, I have been talking to the admissions director a lot through e-mail (even though she isn't a counselor) and she is very nice and remembers me every time (hopefullythis means she will remember me as she reads my app). Thanks!</p>
<p>SAT I: 2080 new, 1440, 1320 and 1280 old. (that 1440 is the one that went with the 2080)
SAT II's--
Math 2: 800
Math 1: 760 (weird, isn't it, that I'd do worse on the easier one?)
Chem: 720
And ACT, though it doesn't matter for Cali, 36
Plus a whole bunch of AP tests, although HMC doesn't take any hours so... yea. Just looks at scores for admission purposes.</p>
<p>yes and isn't it sad that it only is relevant to midwest schools? and isn't it sad that I only want to go to the west coast? and isn't it sad that a third of my midwest schools (two out of six) rejected me because of my low class rank? yes, I wallow in my self-pity mwhahaha</p>
<p>and my ACT was two 35's, but the way my scores worked out, I was higher in some sections the first time and higher in the others the second time, so WashU took my score as a 36. So no, technically I didn't get a 36 flat out. but avg it...!! :[</p>
<p>I don't remember if I sent it to them or not. I might not have, since they didn't seem to be interested in my ACT scores. But I also might have since I wasn't very good at changing answers when sending out the commonapp. It was so long ago! I can't remember :(</p>
<p>oh God I hated Statistics last year. My teacher, I swear, was on crack or something. She was so damn twitchy and insane. I was also the only junior in the class (everyone else was a senior) and it felt pretty darn awkward for me. Now you've just reminded me of my traumatic junior year! Shame on you, rocketDA!</p>