Chances of being accepted to Purdue CS with no CS experience?

Title, basically. I have some pretty awesome stats (1580 one sitting SAT, 4.0 uw gpa, 4.47 w) but I’ve done pretty much nothing with computer science. However, I’m a girl and in state, plus I’ve taken math courses up to Calc BC this year.

Thanks for any help!

Your stats are very good…I’ve heard Purdue is harder to stay in than get in…but I think your stats show you can do the work. Also I think that many of the programs want to admit more female students…and I don’t think many of the girls have done as much with programming as male students (based on the sample of people I know and what I have heard).

I think you’ll be competitive.

My son is a freshman at Purdue on Computer Science. I remember them telling us about half the students have programming experience; other half doesn’t. The first CS class you take as a freshman is divided…those with programming experience are in the “black” class; others are in the “gold” class. And they say by the end of it they are all where they need to be. You’d be fine! Now…that major has gotten competitive. They told us at the accepted student’s day that they had more than 5,000 apply to major in comp sci, and they’d have an enrolled freshman class of 370. (My guess is they had a few more than that since they had such a high “yield” this year, resulting in Purdue’s largest ever freshman class.) BUT, make sure you apply by November 1. We were told you had to apply by that date for comp sci, for honors consideration, and for merit consideration. He’s loving it there. They have a 100% placement for comp sci majors, and the students are highly recruited for internships that pay really well. Good luck with your search!

Yep, very competitive. Where else are you applying? Just curious :slight_smile:

May depend upon which question you missed on the SAT. :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, you should be fine.

@Rivet2000 Thank you! I’m applying to IUB, USC, Stanford, and a few other places, I’ve been accepted in to IUB and UofArizona already.

Also, without any coding experience, make sure you know what CS is all about, the type of work and classes you’ll take. Do some coding on Khan or one of the other free sites to get a taste.

DS is a junior CS major and has been coding since about 7th grade, and took a college CS class in high school (I made him do this to be sure about his choice of college major). The way I see it, some people really “get” coding and others don’t. DS has been saddled with kids on group products who could do nothing of value because they didn’t get it. Some kids without experience pick it up and do great, others, not so much, and they transfer out. If it were me, I’d want to make sure I was really familiar before committing to a major that is totally different from subjects in high school, and in which I had zero experience. Just my two cents.

My DS got in CS for Fall 2019 with SAT 780 Math, 690 Verbal. OOS, 4.3w GPA, full resume but only CS experience he has is AP comp sci class in his junior year. Well, unless you count his vast experience in the video gaming industry ?

Just an update to all: I was accepted!