Chances of early admission and possible options???

<p>Okay I am a senior in northern VA who is looking to apply early to Virginia Tech this fall. Currently my GPA is 4.26 and my SAT is 1250/1600 and 1850/2400. I have completed AP US History (3), AP Calculus AB (4), and AP World History (3). While currently this year I am enrolled in AP Lang, AP Statistics, AP Economics, and AP Government. Also this year I am taking regular physics.<br>
What I am wondering is, what are my chances of getting early admission if I apply as undecided? Also though, as my brother is a freshmen engineer at tech right now, i was wondering what my chances would be if I applied to engineering? I would normally feel confident about engineering but this is my first year in physics (no AP) and i opted not to take calculus BC and instead take AP stats, which I feel like may not be similar to most engineers. I got a B+ in Calc AB though and math has come extremely easy to me my entire life so that is why I am interested in engineering.<br>
Finally would it just be better off to apply undecided, and then after my first year there if i decided to i could transfer into the engineering program??? The main reason i would apply to undecided is just because idk if i could get into engineering and i would love to know if i got into college early so i can chill senior year :)</p>

<p>Your stats are almost identical to my DD who is a freshman there, her SAT was higher though (1290/1890). She also had the same courses plus was an in the AICE program. She applied for Sociology. She got deferred to RD. Nobody in her AICE program got ED. However, kids down the road who do not attend a magnet (AICE) got in ED, they were URM. No VA is very competitive.</p>

<p>Your brother attending will have no impact on their decision to admit you. Siblings will not count as legacy in your case. Parents are the reason a student is a legacy.</p>

<p>I think because of your lack of Physics and Math you would be better off applying undecided at this point. For engineering they really will want to see the AP Physics grade to make a decision, especially since your SAT is avg for admittance. I would take the Sept SAT again because they superscore to improve your chances.</p>

<p>Actually sibling is considered legacy at VT.</p>

<p>Interesting, I guess that helps our DS2. The universities that my kids applied to did not count siblings as legacy since they have yet to graduate. DD is at VT, but since we had no ties to the school we never looked into legacy, due to the fact we knew it was not a game player. All of the others stated parents or grandparents was their definition of legacy…i.e. alumni $$$</p>

<p>Proves the point of what ASSUME means :D</p>

<p>What i had meant in my post was that because my brother is in the engineering program and we are very similar, it might be something i would like to do. That’s good to know though that having him already there will help my chances. My friend has like a 4.0 and a little lower SAT scores than me, has taken same AP classes but passed none of the exams, and is applying early to engineering. Only thing setting us apart is he is taking AP physics and he has better extra curricular. I feel like i have as good if not better chances than him due to my higher GPA and SAT, do you agree? (also i had calc ab with him and he struggled all year long and got a low C)</p>

<p>You should definitely be good for acceptance to the university however you might want to raise your SAT to secure the engineering slot. Though I do find it interesting that your GPA is quite high while your SAT & AP exam scores aren’t, but VT doesn’t inspect applications that intensively. Early decision is said to be harder by some but even with early you should definitely be good for the university in general imo.</p>