Chances of financial aid on the waitlist?

<p>I chose Kenyon over Colby, paying 3k for Kenyon and 9k for Colby. I'm having second thoughts, even though they offered me more money. I'm still on the waitlist here, and I know I'd choose Colorado over either of them, but money plays a huge role for me. What are the chances that I'll pay less than 10k off the waitlist??</p>

<p>Does anybody know what the most financial aid received off the waitlist is??</p>

this year is tough for finaid at a most schools. still, i expect if they do accept you they will come close to meeting your efc. that said, i hear that 70% of fall's freshmen are paying full tuition, and last year the "yeild" on accepted students matriculating was a huge number. the result of that was that a huge percentage of freshmen started the year 3 to a 2-person room. i also suspect few if any came off the waitlist. good luck, cc is an awesome school, but so is kenyon!</p>

<p>I was waitlisted by CC too, but I know my chance to off the wl is very small, especially when I am an international student. I already sent my deposit to another school. However, if CC accepts me, certainly I will attend superb CC :D</p>

<p>I know that for the incoming freshman class at CC in 2007 there were people who got in off the waitlist and received finanacial aid.</p>

<p>Anyone off the waitlist yet???</p>

<p>actually, i'd say chances are pretty good. in my college book it says that cc accepted 43% of the waitlist. i dont know, i still doubt that i'd get much f.a., it's just such a sick school i wish i could go.</p>

<p>The waitlist stats are available at Colorado College. It is nowhere near 42%!</p>

<p>Number taken off the waitlist by years:
2005-06=11 fall, 7 winter

<p>Common</a> Data Set</p>