Admission Status: Deferred
White Male
12 AP
3.79 GPA
2050 SAT (620 CR, 750 Math, 680 Writing)
29 ACT (31 English, 31 Math, 30 Writing, 24 Science)
7 clubs (officer in Science Olympiad)
Cross Country and Track junior year
Principal clarinetist of the Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony as senior (3rd year in the ensemble)
All-State Band for 6 years with top chair placements
District Band for 7 years
170 Community Service hours
Counselor Rec: 9/10
Teacher Rec: 7/10
Retaking my SAT after seeing the deferral, aiming for a 2200.
Chance me, will chance back
Thanks in advance!
If you get 2200+ : Match
If you get 2100+ : High Match
Engg will be comparatively more difficult to get in.
@determined2300 so improve my SAT to 2200? If I do that, would I be a good match?
Yes, definitely!
And it’s not difficult also! Many of my friends have done so. I myself raised my score by 170 points in 2 months.
@determined2300 Thank you so much! Yeah I can definitely improve CR by at least 100 points and I might be able to get an 800 on math. I was very close last time haha, wish me luck!
I think you have a good shot so long as your GPA is good and you raise your SAT to 2100ish 
Could you please chance me? I submitted for RD
- In-state
- Major: Chemistry
- GPA: 3.47ish UW, 3.65ish W
(I got C’s in APUSH, Physics B, and math, but they show up as B’s on my transcript)
- My senior year GPA alone is 4.4W, so a HUGE improvement
- 7 AP’s: World History (4), APUSH (4), Physics B (3), and am currently taking Chem, Stat, Lang, and Spanish
- Took Gifted classes
- SAT: 2020 (620M, 670R, 730W)
- Good essays, especially the common app one
- Female, Hispanic
- JV & Varsity lax player & MVP (9-12)
- School ochestra + county honors orchestra + section leader + concert master (9-12)
- nominated to audition for a Carnegie Hall perfomance
- Science NHS (11-12)
- Spanish NHS (12)
- Tutor all subjects (11-12)
- Sunday School Assistant (12)
- Governor’s Honors Program Nominee & Semifinalist (9-11)
- AP Scholar Award, Scholar athlete award
- Honor Grad + top 25% of class
- On school’s leadership team
Hooks: daughter of a veteran, mom didn’t go to college, URM
I have NOT taken any calculus, how much will this affect my chances?
Thank you so much in advance, sorry this was so long to read!!
@lapompili I think you’ll be fine for admissions. Your ECs are really great but your GPA is slightly low. 7 AP classes is a good amount so that should help with regards to the GPA. Also you’re a Hispanic girl so both of those factors would help. The fact that your gpa improved senior year would show them that you do have a drive. Other than your gpa being slightly lower, I don’t think you should worry about admissions. The fact that you’re a Hispanic girl should help out a lot. I think the regular decision pool would be easier than Early Action so don’t worry too much by comparing yourself to others that were accepted.
Good luck to both of us!
@Nickst1996 Thanks for your honesty
here’s to hopefully being classmates next fall!!
@Jboon12345 I heard that the essay makes an impact. I know people who were a shoe in but slacked on the essays and were deferred as a result. I put a lot of time and effort into my essay with the hopes of it tipping the scale in my favor. Best of luck! I’m worried about being denied too, it’s my #1 choice. Your biggest concern would be that you’re OOS, which you can’t help. Most of the people that I know got deferred were males, so that could hurt also. Again, I’m not sure. I’m praaayyyinngg they see past my rough junior year grades
I’d deposit to my back up just in case, but I would most definitely accept my spot on the wait list since GT tends to have a low % yield @Jboon12345
Wait…it’s harder for Hispanics now? Crap… @Jboon12345
@jboon12345 If you put a deposit for another school, do you have to attend the other school? The deposit fees being nonrefundable is not an issue to me, but aren’t there overlapping dates in this wait list process?
I have a hispanic friend with decent stats who was flat out denied EA
@Jboon12345 ofc you can pm me ~~
@Nickst1996 I believe that you can pay a deposit to college B while being on the wait list of college A and I college A accepts you, college B does not refund your deposit and you have to pay another one to college A. You can talk to college B and tell them you’re on a wait list, I’m sure they’ve delt with it before
Sorry, my phone isn’t updating the comments, hence the laggy replies. Anyway, I heard that Tech was trying to expand their STEM program among women and minorities…? @Nickst1996 @Jboon12345
@Jboon12345 Yeah he’s in state. His GPA is decent, a little higher than mine but he had lower APs. He had decent ECs though, marching band for 4 years, music, etc. What didn’t help him was that he was also a guy
I know kids in my school who had 4.0, took georgia trch distance calc, were captains of varsity teams, literally the perfect child, and got deferred…
Do you guys think that we can start a group message on this forum or something?
It’s sad that I’m hoping for affirmative action @Jboon12345