Chances of getting accepted transferring from a 4-year college institution

I’m applying to transfer to LUC (beginning there Fall term 2019) but had a rough first-year at my current school. I was a student-athlete at North Central College (runs in a trimester format), majoring in Actuarial Science. My first-term went complete opposite of what I am capable of; I got a D in en English and Psychology course, and a C in my calculus course. I had been going through a difficult time balancing my academics, personal life (my mother was going through major surgeries and was in tough shape for a few months), and athletics. All of this made it hard for me to prioritize my academics and resulted in those grades. I was placed in academic probation but got my grades up the next term which got me out of the probation. I am finishing up my last term, with less than a week of school left at the moment. I’m not sure what my GPA will be at the end of the year but as of right now, my cumulitive GPA from my first two terms is a 2.434.

In High School, I graduated with a weighted GPA of 4.06, taking all honors and AP courses, got a 28 on my ACT and a 1290 on my SAT.

I had already gotten accepted into LUC when I applied during my senior year of high school but decided not go to there in order to pursue playing lacrosse at North Central College. After this year, I have realized that NCC is NOT the right school for me and want to get out as soon as possible. I just applied again to transfer to LUC but am afraid that because of my low GPA and academic probation, I won’t be accepted.

Do you guys think I should be worrying or should I just wait for their decision without thinking too much about it?
Should I get my high school to send LUC my transcript on top of my college transcript or will that not impact LUC’s decision?

Just apply and see, you may be able to get in. Also send in your HS grades so they see that you were a good student. Good luck!

Universities know that even very good students sometimes have a bad semester or a bad quarter / trimester. I think that the question is whether you can be accepted now, or if you will need to put in another one or two or three strong trimesters before you can be accepted. Only the admissions staff at LUC would know. Definitely try to keep your grades up from now on.

I never studied under a trimester system, but I did study under a quarter system when I was in graduate school. One of my main comments on the quarter system (which I suspect might be the same as a trimester system) is that you do not want to ever fall behind because the end of the quarter comes up so quickly. I can see how this could be tough being a college freshman with a sick mother plus athletics.

Depending upon your major, calculus might be very important going forward. For what I majored in I did use calculus quite a bit, including using it on a job after graduation. You might want to make sure that you are solid in calculus.