Chances of getting accepted?

<p>Unweighted G.P.A: 3.54
Weighted G.P.A 4.53
Class rank: Top 6 percent

Writing- 27

<p>Extra Curricular:
Editor-in-chief of school newspaper
President of Quill and Scroll Honors society
Viewpoint editor of school newspaper
Member of Mu Alpha Theta Honors society
Member of Key Club
Member of National Honors Society</p>

<p>In the summer of 2009, I attended Lead America’s Medicine and Health-care youth leadership conference at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. This program provided me with the unique opportunity to experience leadership development in an experimental environment allowing me to learn the complexities of the medicine and health-care process first hand.</p>

<p>SAT scores? And composite ACT score (with science)?</p>

<p>Science-22 ( Does UF take the science score into account?)
ACT composite -23
SAT taking in november</p>