Chances of getting for fall of 2010

Class Rank:28%
EC: 3 years of track(JV AND VARSITY), 3 YEARS of Latin Club, 2 Year of DECA, 2 years of Golf</p>

<p>Im active in my community, helping out with other school organinzations etc.</p>

<p>and from Virginia.</p>

<p>very easily in</p>

<p>I thought being out of state may make your acceptance more difficult, since University of Arizona is prestige within the state… I think it’s near average.</p>

<p>You should get in fairly easily, even out of state. I had higher GPA and class rank, but I had no ECs to speak of. (Was too busy working)</p>

<p>Easily yes. If you decide to go here, you’ll see this school pretty much admits everyone including kids that really shouldn’t be going to college.</p>

<p>whats uofa like?</p>

<p>In what category? Sports, academics, social?</p>

<p>I just went to visit UofA and absolutely fell in love with it. Out of state should not hurt you. During my college tour they said 30% or 33% of their students are from out of state.</p>

<p>For some strange reason, most of the OOS kids are from California and New York. Why the hell wouldn’t you want a UC education at in-state rates?</p>

<p>^^^ Couple reasons:</p>

<p>PAC-10 sports/school spirit if you can’t get into UCLA or Cal.</p>

<p>Decent tuition discounts/schloarships for OOS applicants. So even someone from Virginia like the OP, NY, or Cali might be interested in UofA.</p>

<p>Many of the kids can’t get into to the top UC’s anymore…too competitive. For Cal, UCLA, Davis, you now need over a 4.0 to get in.</p>

<p>yea seriously, a 3.6 will only get u into riverside and santa cruz, and obviously merced.
U of A: more fun than any of the previous colleges and more school spirit. And it offers Business</p>

<p>Im looking at UofA for fall 2010, transfer to Optical Engineering</p>

<p>Going to a Community College in IA right now for Laser/Electro - Optics.</p>

<p>Originally from Stockholm, Sweden
CC GPA: 4.0

<p>Should I have any problems getting in?
And do you guys know if they offer scholarships/grants for Int. applicants?</p>

<p>Community college GPAs are pretty worthless in my opinion. I’ve personally seen a girl get a 4.0 at a community college, and then get a 2.74 in the university. Community college standards are just no where near university standards.</p>

<p>Regardless, Oscar, you should probably get in with your high school equivalent GPA. I don’t have any in-depth experience with UA’s international finaid, but I’m pretty sure they do offer dedicated scholarships for stuff like that: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>BTW I love people from Sweden and the Netherlands :)</p>