Chances of getting in as a transfer?

Hi all, I am currently a freshman in the nursing program at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. Please be honest in your opinion about my chances.
Drexel runs on a quarter system so the courses are ten weeks long and I have only completed 1 quarter out of 3 for this school year. I currently have a 3.53 GPA and I plan on attempting to get it up to a 3.65 or 3.7 by the end of spring quarter. I am heavily involved in many extracurricular activities. For example, I’m in a student nursing association where I go to nursing conventions (1 state convention in Lancaster, PA and 1 national in Phoenix, AZ), I’m a Student Ambassador which involves leading campus tours for prospective students, I’m a Lindy Advisor where I spend Saturday’s tutoring middle students, and I also work part-time at the Drexel Recreation Center.
I feel like the one part of my application that will work against me is my SAT score. I only took it once back in high school because it was too expensive for my family to afford. I got a 630 in critical reading and 560 on writing and math.
So, please tell me what you think and if you have any advice I would appreciate you sharing.