Chances of getting in to Engineering?

<p>I plan on applying to the VT College of Engineering this year. I go to a Governor's School for Science and Technology.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 W 3.5 UW
SAT: 780 Math, 760 CR, 620 Writing
ACT: 33 (33 on all sections)</p>

<p>Senior Year Classes:
AP Gov't, AP 12 Eng, AP Psych, Gov School Programming, Gov School Multivariable Calc, Gov School Env Sci.</p>

<p>Junior Year Classes:
APUSH, AP 11 Eng, Personal Finance, Gov School Programming/Physics, Gov School Calc, Gov School Research Methodology</p>

<p>Other AP: AP Human Geo, AP World History</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP 11 Eng: 5
AP CompSci: 5
AP Calc BC: 4
AP World History: 4
AP Human Geo: 4</p>

<p>EC: Robotics Team since sophomore year.</p>

<p>So, what do you think my chances are for:
A. Getting into Honors
B. Getting into Engineering
C. Getting in at all </p>

<p>A - 50/50
B - 75/25 (Didn’t see AP Physics)
C - 90/10 </p>

<p>A. Honors isn’t necessarily determined by scores and GPA. My son got in but honestly if you didn’t make it into Honors it wouldn’t be a horrible thing. Quite a lot of engineering students are not in honors.
B. I agree with bboop42, I thought high chance for engineering but then I noticed no AP Physics. That could hurt you but your GPA and SAT math score are good. I’m going with 80% chance.
C. I think you will definitely get in to the general college.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>