Chances of getting in UCSD/UCR/UCSC?

I have a 4.0 UC W GPA, and 3.8 unweighted. I only have 1 UC-approved honors course from grades 11-12 (had to drop both my AP’s due to medical complications that yr). My SAT score is 1390 (will retake once more in Oct; going for a 1450 - 1500+). I have a few EC’s under my belt, though most are nothing significant. However, my UC personal statements are stellar for the most part; I am a unique applicant as I have a story to tell. What do you think my chances are in getting in UCSD/UCR/UCSC? My goal is UCSD, really want to go there. Major - Business

sorry, correction: I meant 1 UC-honors course in grades 10-11*

UCSD does not have a “business” major so are you looking at Econ, Science Management or International Business?

What about UCSC which major?

UCR is the only UC on your list that has an actual Business school and you are admitted as a Pre-Business major and need to complete the pre-req’s to declare the major.

Your HS rigor is lacking and it is considered Very Important in all the UC’s application review but you have a compelling reason which should be addressed in your personal insight essays. Your UC GPA looks solid and your SAT score is within range.

Econ is a capped major at UCSD so that will make it a tougher admit than International Business or Science Management.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCSD: 38.7% High Match/Low Reach
UCSC: 75.7% Match
UCR: 90.1% Safety although the Business school can be competitive

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSC: 1210-1450
UCR: 1130-1380

Other than UCR do you have any more schools on your list such as a few more Matches and Safeties?

At UCSD, I want to pursue management science and at UCSC, Business Econ.

I’m considering to apply to CSU Long Beach and SJSU as well.


If you get your SAT above a 1400, then your chances will be better for UCSD but still not a solid Match. CSULB and SJSU look like Safeties/Low Match schools for you.

Best of luck.

Ok, thank you!


How much would my chances of admission increase at UCSD if I got a 1550 - 1600 SAT score?

A high SAT will definitely help your chances but it is still not a guarantee since UC’s tend to be more GPA focused vs test focused and you need to present a complete and competitive application package.

How UCSD reviews applications:

  •   Very important: Academic GPA, Application essay, Rigor of secondary school record, Standardized test scores
  •   Important: Character/personal qualities, Extracurricular activities, First generation college student, State residency, Talent/ability, Volunteer work, Work experience
  •   Note: High school course pattern, GPA, essay and test scores most important. Admission for out-of-state applicants more selective than for residents.
    The campus does not admit students on the basis of academic major or choice of UC San Diego undergraduate college. Alternate majors are considered. Also note: Capped majors require additional pre-req courses and specific GPA to be able to qualify to if changing majors.

i think your GPA is going to make UCSD a reach. UCR and UCSC are both likely to take you.

SDSU would be a good safety.

good luck

I got into UCSD with a 3.7, 1010 SAT, 22 ACT (very low) but extraordinary personal statements and amazing extracurriculars. And a full ride. And a capped major (Neurobiology, 1st choice)

Let me know if you have any questions.