Chances of getting in

<p>I am currently a junior and I'm expecting my GPA to be around a 3.65 weighted. I know that's not the best GPA but I do have a lot of extracurricular activities. I was really lazy my first two years of high school, and I didn't get really motivated until this year and I have found a passion of mine and I want to major in economics, I haven't taken either the SAT or the ACT but I am scheduled to do so, I just want to know what chances I have of getting in.
Extracurricular activities as they will be after I graduate:
4 year member of my school's concert chorus</p>

<p>1 year of Sports Editor in School newspaper</p>

<p>2 years of Leadership Class ( a class at our school that plans all the big events)</p>

<p>2 year member of my school's vocal ensemble</p>

<p>3 year member of Swim Team (3 years of being team captain to)</p>

<p>4 year member of the Lacrosse team (2 years of being team captain)</p>

<p>2 year member of Chain Reaction Youth Leadership Council (It's a student club to raise money for March of Dimes and it's all of the schools in my city running it and you have to be interviewed to get in it, its pretty cool)</p>

<p>Helped create the March of Dimes club at my school</p>

<p>Currently the Student Body Historian (hopefully my senior year I will be student body President or Vice President)</p>

<p>3 year member of Tri-M Music Honors society</p>

<p>Been in my school's musical for 4 years</p>

<p>In the drama production for sophomore and senior year</p>

<p>Member of Thespians troupe for 2 years</p>

<p>Lifeguard over the summer at local country club and I was a counselor for summer camps there</p>

<p>A Counselor in Training at local summer camp</p>

<p>300+community service hours</p>

<p>Need good test scores. Maybe 29+ ACT 2000 SAT to have a good chance</p>

<p>Concentrate more on the academics, gpa junior year most important. A good gpa this year can offset earlier problems. A lot of EC’s won’t replace good grades- someone with few EC’s and better grades has an advantage over you. Test scores also matter more than activities.</p>

<p>CHANCE ME!!!</p>

<p>GPA: uw 2.5
SAT: 2260
ACT: 33
and a bunch of extracurricular activities</p>


<p>A 2.5 GPA? Sorry bruh, but your chances will be dramatically hurt with that.</p>

<p>what colleges would u recommend? Now I feel that my college list is a bit reach…</p>

<p>Hmm, you have a good ACT/SAT so maybe Indiana-Bloomington, Marquette, Saint Louis University, or DePaul?</p>

<p>Those are some Midwest schools I think you have a good chance at.</p>

<p>@zuckerburg, idk where u live, but i think u have a decent shot at penn state university park, i heard of someone who got in this yr with stats close to yours, but i think a 2.8 GPA</p>

<p>mzuk… A 2.5 is a C average. If you have any A’s it means D’s as well. You should have been doing the homework and studying for the tests instead of any extra curriculars. Even if you meant a 3.3 the same applys. Discuss with your guidance counselor. If you claim boredom as the reason to not do the work you are grossly unprepared for the rigors of college life. If this is a ■■■■■, please have consideration for those who really have questions.</p>

<p>Any East/New England schools you guys might recommend? I heard that Penn State cuts you off by your GPA and SAT, the chart which is posted on the website. Thanks for the replies</p>

<p>I will assume mzukerberg is not a ■■■■■ and respond seriously.</p>



<p>This is false and easily debunked. [Penn</a> State Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>Like UW, PSU does not have such cut-offs.


<p>The “chart” you mention simply gives the middle 50% statistical profile of their admitted students. 25% of their admitted students have GPA’s below the bottom of the cited ranges. However at PSU…

An unusually specific statement which suggests it is very unlikely you would be admitted there.</p>

<p>You do not state your current class nor your location. If you are a senior and a WI resident, I would suggest look at some of the less selective admissions schools in the UW system (UW-Milwaukee, for example, if you are seeking a large school experience) or the U of MN or MN State U systems (where you would be eligible for tuition reciprocity). There are some private schools in the Midwest that would consider someone with your somewhat unusual statistical profile but you’ll have to focus if you want to make their app deadlines. Try Augsburg College in Minneapolis or North Central College in suburban Chicago, for example. Be prepared to explain why your HS class performance is so out-of-line with your test scores and what you have done/will do to change your approach.</p>

<p>If you are a junior, I suggest you do your best to raise your current GPA by next year. That is the single best thing you can do to enhance your range of college choices.</p>

<p>how much would the essays factor into a students admissions in my case?</p>

<p>Essays supplement an application but are no substitute for poor grades. You need a stellar junior year and good recommendations. Be prepared to go to another college and transfer if you can study and get well above a college 3.0 gpa. You have to prove you can do the work- you didn’t with that HS gpa.</p>