Chances of Getting In?

<p>Yes, I am aware that this has been discussed many times before, but individuals require different information. I am filled with anticipation as I have not received an admissions decision from A&M.</p>

<p>I applied for the College of Geosciences(Atmospheric Sciences). </p>

<p>I have an accumulative weighted GPA of 3.88, which puts me in the top 11%. Nine spots away from the Top Ten whenever I applied. I really screwed up my Freshman year...</p>

<p>My unweighted GPA is 3.74(As you can see the advanced courses saved me)</p>

<p>I am not a good test taker, so my SAT score is not very good...


<p>The only extracurricular activity I am involved in is Tennis. </p>

<p>I did spend quite a bit of time on my essays, so in my opinion, they are darn good. </p>

<p>The reason I am a little antsy is that my counselor informed me that another student got rejected today, and they were in the top eleven as well, but they were applying for the Business school, which fills up pretty quickly, whereas the College of Atmospheric Sciences isn't as popular. </p>

<p>So what do ya'll think my chances of getting in are? </p>



<p>Have you shown interest by officially visiting campus? If not, I would encourage you to visit with a prospective center or make a campus visit. They do keep track of students who demonstrate interest.</p>

<p>Did you have any letters of recommendation from teachers or an administrator from your school? </p>

<p>Your ranking is good, so I am sure your essays will also help convince admissions of your desire to attend. </p>

<p>Good luck and let us know what happens.</p>

<p>Thanks for responding! I just need a boost of confidence!</p>

<p>I visited the campus for Aggieland Saturday and spoke with several professors affiliated with Atmospheric Sciences, and I even emailed Dr. D a short and sweet thank you note. He responded with and I quote, “Hi Hayden, thanks for the note. I look forward to your arrival in Aggieland!” I don’t know if that implied anything or not…</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I did not get any letters of recommendation, but in my defense I truly did not know I could turn any in. I’ve had numerous teachers offer to write me one, but I never did ask them to do it. I am assuming it’s a little to late for that… =/</p>

<p>Thanks and I will keep ya’ll updated!</p>


<p>You’re definitely competitive. I’m surprised you have not heard back yet. Since they are rolling it depends on when you applied too. If you applied late you’ll hear back later. You should hear back within the next couple of weeks for sure. Your SAT is not awful, and your grades are good. I’m assuming you’re from Texas, so that’s a bummer that you didn’t get into the top 10% admit category. You should have probably submitted letters of rec too. They’re not required but if you can submit them, do it. But, yeah, it’s too late for that.</p>

<p>That is good that you had a campus visit. They look highly at that stuff. Your test scores are right on par with their averages and your grades are good too. Right now it just boils down to how many spots they have left and how you compare to the other kids that they are looking at. The later you apply the more competitive it becomes because there becomes less and less spots for the same number of qualified applicants.</p>

<p>I’m out of state, but I applied early October and heard back mid-December. Was in the top 7% of my class, 26 ACT (right on par with your SAT score), tons of ECs though, I had done stuff with the Corps in advance and had already visited twice by the time I applied. I only submitted one letter of rec. To my great surprise I got into the Engineering department as well.</p>

<p>I think you are more than qualified and I would be extremely surprised if you were offered anything less than Blinn. Just relax a little bit and realize that it’s not the complete end of the world if you aren’t offered full admittance to A&M. Texas has many great colleges and I’m sure you will do fine anywhere you go. Let us know what happens and good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for easing my mind a bit! I have had my heart set I A&M for quite a while, but if I do not get in I will most definitely transfer next year. I was literally 6 spots away from the top 10, so that was a huge let down for me… I applied mid-November, so I was on-time for the opportunity of the scholarships, and I did not wait until the last second. I will be sure to let you all know what happens!</p>

<p>Hm…You applied at a good time. Not early, but not late. I’m surprised you have not heard back year. I know a lot of people who have been posting on this site have been rejected or offered other admission, so maybe it will take the longest for you to hear back but you’ll get better news. Good luck to you and let us know.</p>

<p>Hey, Im not a HS student. I will be looking to transfer to A&M for Spring 2013. From what I’ve read, even though I might not get accepted; I should schedule a visit anyways to show interest?</p>

<p>The drive is 3 & 1/2 hours for me.</p>

<p>That’s about how far away A&M is away from me. It’s worth it for sure! As soon as I got there I just felt like I belonged… </p>

<p>Oh, and I forgot to mention; I am taking four dual credit classes: Three Englishes and Government, so will that help a bit? That’s twelve credit hours.</p>

<p>Why don’t you visit on an organized transfer open house day? Then the information and presentations will pertain to you as a potential transfer.</p>

<p>It is great you are planning in advance!</p>

<p>Ha…3.5 hours…I did a 2.5 hour flight – twice – just to visit A&M. It’s a great school and if I were you I would do anything in my power to try and be admitted. TAMU looks at everything including your interest in the school. If you want to stay competitive even if you don’t get in I would still visit to make sure it suits you.</p>

<p>@Cowboy - Wow. Good luck to ya. I will definitely go visit to show some interest soon.</p>

<p>Thanks man. You too. I’m not sure when the Spring 2013 application opens, but I would definitely show interest and make sure you have the minimum GPA to transfer. Where are you transferring from?</p>

<p>Richland College. It was 1 of 10 Community College associated with Texas A&M for Auto Admit transfer. (TAP Program) I didn’t know that I had to enroll in the program, but this year it’s still in discussion if the program is still honor.</p>

<p>Huh. Well, I hope you get in. That would totally suck if they did not honor your transfer. Let me know what happens.</p>