Chances of getting in?

<p>My dream is to attend the United States Coast Guard Academy after I graduate High School and have a career as an officer in the Coast Guard. Based on my high school stats so far (I am currently a junior), do I have a good chance of getting an appointment? Would want to major in probably naval arch./marine eng.</p>

4.0 (unweighted) gpa, all A's (up through 1st semester of junior year)
Rank 1/300 or so at one of the best (at least 5A) public high schools in Oregon. On track for valedictorian.
Took AP Calculus AB and AP European History my sophomore year along with honors English and chemistry.
This year I am taking 4 ap's: AP Calculus BC, AP US History, AP Physics, AP Comp
Next year I plan to take AP Lit, AP Chemistry or Biology, AP Prob and Stat, and a community college level Vector Calculus course
Scheduled to take SAT in March. Got a 207 on the PSAT this year (72 in math, 67 in Critical Reading, and 68 in writing). I am working hard and expect to do better on the SAT than I did on PSAT.
Qualified for and attended the Oregon Invitational Math Tournament at the calculus level as a sophomore
Took the AP calculus exam last year and got a 5
Plan to take all of my ap tests this spring. Working for all 5's!
Member of NHS
History student of the year freshman year (not much, but just thought I'd include it)
Taking zero period (7am 50 minutes before school 4 days a week) jazz band every year. So 9 classes even though only 8 periods are available
Been in jazz 1 and wind ensemble (top level jazz and concert bands at my school) every year in high school, but this will be explained more in extracurriculars</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Band- as aforementioned. I play trumpet. Been in school's top jazz ensemble every year in high school. The band has won several regional competitions and plays challenging literature. Also have been in top concert band every year (wind ensemble). The wind ensemble has placed 3rd and 2nd in state my freshman and sophomore years respectively. I am a 2 year varsity letterman in band and on track to letter all four years. I volunteered and was in my school's performing arts department's musical as a trumpet player in the pit orchestra last year and am doing it again this year. Does anyone know if band can help me get into the academy or if it is just a side activity for cadets?
Soccer- Played 3 seasons so far, will play my fourth my senior year. Played JV my freshman and sophomore years and varsity my junior year. Made varsity playoff roster sophomore year and lettered this year. Played almost every minute this season at center back. Given defensive player of the year award by my coach and team this year. Also selected as all-district honorable mention defender. How competitive are USCGA athletics? Could I play? I also play indoor soccer (non school related). Played in advanced mens leagues last two years and now currently play in the local indoor premier league (we played the OSU club team last week...)
YMCA Youth in Government- Awesome state-level government simulation program for high school students. We use the Oregon government facilities. Passed my bill last year and going again this year
Community Service- Did Willamette river cleanup, I collect precipitation data daily for COCORAHS, helped an old coach coach his local girls youth soccer team during the late fall and early winter, and currently looking for service options through YMCA or maybe auxiliary coast guard
Several others, but nothing major...</p>

<p>Thank you for your time, sorry it's so long... Replies would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>You look pretty good! Like really good. Top of your class helps a lot, as well as band. </p>