Chances of getting in?

Could someone please tell me the chances of me getting in?
GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.3 W
SAT: 1770 (retaking in Nov)
ACT: taking in two weeks
AP Classes: 4 (AP World History, AP Statistics, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics)
College credit: graduating in 2016 with 22-30 college hours
Rank: 32% (school is highly competitive, one of the top in state of Texas)
Senior Year: Advanced Audio/Video Production, AP Macroeconomics/AP Government, AP Statistics, and Dual Credit English IV

Extracurricular Activities:
Recycling Club at school for four years. Won a state award for it
Art Club
Habitat for Humanity
Over 150 community service hours
Work at Starbucks for over 6 months (April 2015 to present)

Intended major: Biology
Family income: $70,000
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female

Please. I would really appreciate if someone chanced me. TCU is my top school.

I would think you would get in with your statistics but I am not sure you would get any merit aid. Good luck!

You would improve your chances greatly if you can get your SAT score up to 1900 (or 28 on the ACT), so definitely work on your test scores. Without any other hooks you are honestly on the bubble right now for TCU. Good luck!

I would think you would get in with your statistics but I am not sure you would get any academic scholarships. See -

Ok so I got a 28 on ACT and an 1860 on SAT. my TCU app status check isnt working right now :confused:

@tcudream2016 mine isn’t working either!!!

Chances Anyone? Could I receive merit?
GPA: 3.7 Weighted. My school doesn’t do unweighted
SAT: 1940
AP Classes: 2 (AP United States History (4) AP Psychology)
Rank: n/a
Senior Year: English 4, Digital Photo, Euro, College Reading, PreCalc, Spanish Level 6, AP Psych, Economics, Wellness and Writing to Speak

Extracurricular Activities:
Stylist at LF
Hostess at a restaurant
Babysitter and Driver
President of Model United Nations
Freshman Orientation Leader
Spelling Bee Mentor
Unified Sports Captain
Varsity Tennis
volunteer for town Learning Foundation
Debate Club
Spanish Club Treasurer
Spanish National Honor Society

Intended major: Strategic Communications
Family income: $600,000
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Hooks: From CT, almost no one in my school applies to TCU

@pineapplegrl am guessing you would absolutely get in and probably get a small amount of merit aid. Just my opinion for what it’s worth!