Chances of getting in?

What are my chances of getting in Fall of 19? I am in the top 20% and have a 3.95 GPA. I made a 1320 on the SAT but was right below what they like for the english section, will that make a difference? I have been on a varsity sport all 4 years, in a leadership program and have a lot of community service hours.

If you’re in-state, you’re pretty much a lock for getting into A&M. Out of state is a lot more competitive, but your stats are still excellent for that too.

@coolguy40 Where are you getting your stats from?


Retake the SAT and study the areas you are weakest and see if you can get a 1360 with subscores of 620 math and 660 ERBW and get in as an Academic Admit. Try the ACT also, as with a 30 and sub scores of 27 math and English, you would qualify. Some find the ACT easier.

As a review applicant, your odds are lessened for full a admissions to College Station. Out of the 17K review applications last year, only 13% were offered admissions. The online websites that display A&M admissions rates are flawed. A&M has several types of admissions and those sites lump all of them together as if they were full admissions. Blinn Team could be an offer of admissions as well as Gateway.

A&M does not use your GPA at all except to establish an assigned rank, if your high school does not rank.

For review applicants, the class rank and test scores are viewed together and they make up around 50% of the decision. The essays, personal achievement, etc. make up the other 50%. When A&M looks at the rank and test scores, they determine a projected GPA at TAMU. They use algorithms to combine a student’s rank and test scores and it produces 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, so on and so forth. Once they see what a student’s projected GPA is, they begin weighing all the other components.

From your several threads asking to be chanced for TAMU, it looks like you have retaken the SAT and improved your score, but it just isn’t quite high enough for the Academic Admit score.

Sorry, the advice is still the same: Since you are in the Top 20%, your best bet is to improve your SAT score to the Academic Admissions level or take the ACT and score the required level.

Otherwise, as a Review Admissions applicant, your chances are around 13%. Tens of thousands of applications are received, only the Top 10% Automatic and the Top 25% Academic Admits with the required scores are assured of admissions. There are fewer spots left over for Review Applicants, many of which would do very well in college, but there just are limited seats at TAMU. So many applicants end up shut out. Admissions to TAMU is just so very competitive and just getting harder each year. It is just a space issue. There just isn’t enough room for everyone who wants to be an Aggie to start out in CStat.

There is always a small possibility of receiving Gateway or Blinn-TEAM admissions which would keep you in CStat and living the Aggie life, but a LOT of people, many thousands, end up receiving offers of PSA or denied admission. Some of these end up transferring into TAMU later, but the transfer process is also very competitive.

TAMU offers an ACT on campus that is only scored for TAMU. See if you can take the test there asap. If there is a practice ACT offered online, take that to get an idea of how you will score. Go over any weak areas and study, study, STUDY!!. Treat this like a job, this score will be a big part of determining where you go to college. Think about it. It would be so much nicer to have the assurance Academic Admissions rather than dealing with the stress of being a Review Applicant and not receiving your offer until Feb 2019 or later.

When you set up the TAMU offered ACT, also set an official campus tour and set up meetings with an adviser in your major and see if you can sit in on a course. Doing this shows that you are really serious about going to TAMU.

I think that you want us to say that you have a great chance, but the reality is that your chances with those scores are about 13%, based on what has happened in previous years. It sounds like you are well prepared for college. If your heart was set on any school other than TAMU (or tu), you would surely be a lock in for admissions. But those are the top 2 schools and TX is a big state with a lot of HS graduates who want to go to either TAMU or tu. Unfortunately, that is just the reality.

Excellent advice @AggieMomAgain I had forgotten about the TAMU ACT. Here is the link @texas5

Thank you for the link and for the feedback!

Making the effort and taking the time to make a trip to CStat on a regular college class day is a very good thing. It will take time from your HS and cost $$ and possibly time off work for the parent that accompanies you, but I highly recommend it if at all possible. Try to spend the night in CStat before the ACT test so that you are fresh from a good night’s sleep and not stressed from driving into CStat. Try NOT to make the trip on a big Game Day weekend as the hotels will be booked up and could cost more. It is amazing to go to a game at Kyle Field, but the campus (and all of CStat) is crowded. If you can go on a “regular” school day, you will be able to get a feel for the school and see how you will fit in there.

My youngest daughter (HS 17& TAMU 21) and I took a trip to CStat on a Friday. She had an official campus tour, a meeting with an adviser in her major and was able to sit in on a class in her major. We drove up that morning, but in hindsight, I wish that we had driven up the night before and had a good night’s sleep before walking all over campus.

Her HS had the Friday off of school but she had to miss an event for her EC (and was given a lot of flack for it by her teacher) but it was well worth the investment into her college career. I still don’t know why they were so hard on her for scheduling an official college tour on a non-school day. The EC event was just an appearance at a local event, nothing that impacted anything. I almost had to get the Principal involved to keep the EC from giving her an Unexcused Absence and giving her demerits. LOL. She would have been excused from an entire academic school day with proof of an official college campus tour and her EC teacher wanted to give her an “Unexcused Absence” and demerits!! Don’t let your HS EC’s keep you from making your college planning your top priority. HS is just the path TO college, not the end all-be all. HS ECs are important, yes, but NOT more important than your college career.

We did not know about the TAMU ACT test or we would have signed her up for it. It might have helped her to receive a full admit offer, as she was offered Blinn-TEAM in mid Feb. 2017. She had an unweighted gpa of 3.5 and weighted gpa of high 4s, SAT 1250, ACT 27 (her English scores were much higher than her Math./Science components) BUT she was only 53% at one of the top handful of TX public schools. I’m not sure what compelled the reviewers to offer her Blinn-TEAM instead of PSA, but I am eternally grateful! Many of her classmates were offered PSA or denied admission to TAMU.

The stress of waiting for her admission decision until mid-Feb was agonizing. She was constantly checking online and I know that it impacted her studying, sleep and more. If you can raise your score enough to be an Academic Admit, you will be giving yourself (and your family) such a great gift of PEACE OF MIND! You will be able to fully enjoy your Senior year without all of that stress. You have made a great improvement in your SAT score, I so hope that you can raise your SAT/ACT score enough to be an Academic Admit.

My daughter is currently a very happy Aggie in Aggieland! :). I hope for that to be your future, too!